
Hot soup

They went to a corner to talk so that people won't listen to what they are saying. His sister waved her hands to tell him where they were, the moment he got there, they all started looking at him weirdly


" Brother you seem different, even your attitude is changed. And you look nothing like your old self. Just what happen to you when you're kidnapped" Li min asked worriedly

He looks behind his sister and he saw that his so called aunt was eavesdropping

" Well they didn't do anything to me, in fact they helped me Sis... Can't you see I'm a DIFFERENT PERSON NOW!" The reason he said this was because he wanted to trouble his ( I hate very much) family

Zhang Yong was also eavesdropping, when he heard what he said he got a whole lot angrier

' Does Rascals! They took $500,000 from me to assassinate him and they didn't do the job, In fact they actually betrayed me! How dare they!' He was so mad that his composed act started crumbling down

When Mu Feng saw him he was really satisfied that he started smiling but the moment Zhang Yong turned his head towards him he immediately directed his smiling face to his sister

" Dad... I forgot to ask you, when can I get a car?" He asked innocently but he knows his meaning behind those words.

" Sicheng. Isn't Wang Chenguang supposed to buy them a car and everything they need! We live in China and you just came back today from a business trip for 6 whole MONTHS. EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING ON" Mu Xiu Ying called her 'Wang' instead of 'Mu' because he will never accept her as his daughter in law, Only Yu Yan (Their mother) will be his daughter in law! He can't believe that his Grandchildren are not having any car, even if Li min doesn't get a car, Mu Feng is suppose to have one by now!

" Chenguang What is this! EXPLAIN YOURSELF"

' pfft. This turned out way better than expected. HAHA!!! I LOVE THE FROG LIKE LOOK SHE IS HAVING RIGHT NOW!!!' He is laughing like a maniac on the inside but outside he looks calm but when you look carefully you can see his eyes smiling happily!

" W -Well I thought he looks a bit young, you know" She started sweating while answering. The way she is shuddering only confirmed one thing. She is lying!

" But aunt even tho I am young what about Wang Min! She has a car and I'm older than her by a year" She turned pale when he said that but he just keep on going making her to sweat profusely

"And they have phones and their own credit card so how can you say that I'm YOUNG " He just dropped a bomb on her making her tremble a bit. She felt like she was fighting something way worse than a lion...she was in hot soup. While Zhang Yong pitied his mother but there is nothing he can do! I mean c'mon if he talks and infuriates his Father. His position as the Ceo in one of his dad's company will just go down the drain and he will not put his hard work on the line just to coax his father and make up some lame excuse that he may or may not even believe!

I'm so sorry that I didn't updated sooner. I have exams and i don't have time to write. Again in so sorry my lovely readers! But thanksss so much for reading even tho I have alot of grammar mistakes! And thanksss ssoooo muchhh for the people that voted with power stones for this book that an amateur like me is writing and I want to thank Gail76 for using your power stones on this book. Thanks soooo much.



/>❤️~ Thanks readers ❤️

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