

"They're teaching us about soulbounds?!" Exclaimed Kaito. "I know right? We've had our soulbounds for years, and now they wanna give us a refresher course. "Sakura replied.

As they stepped inside their class they saw their teacher setting up her materials and starting a presentation. The class began with a short video on soulbounds. "SΩULβΩUΠDS are weapons that are a manifestation of ones unique affinities their soul and their zen.

The stronger ones power is the more powerful your soulbound is soulbounds not only share the power of their wielded but each soulbound has a set of abilities unique to it. As everyone knows a soulbound can have multiple forms or level releases in which the power and speciality can differ." With that the video ended. "You guys are probably wondering why we're showing you this video after you guys have all manifested your soulbounds. " everyone in the class nodded and murmured in agreement. "Well as you all know there are levels of the 'bond' as some may call it between a soulbound and its users,"

"Level one is summoning your soulbound,

Level two is materialising your soulbound at will,

Level three is being able to call your soulbound to your hand at will and as you know very few people can achieve this,

Level four unlocks the second release of your soulbound which increases its power output without putting any strain in you,

Level five your soulbound gains it's own personality,

At level six you can make as many releases as you like some along with the ability to make each release specialise in a certain aspect,

But now we have discovered that there is a level seven! In which your soulbound can manifest itself in the real world with a partly physical form,"

After hearing this everyone in the class was shocked except for Aizen who had already unlocked level ten.

"Wait till they find out there's something after level nine" he thought to himself dryly.
