
Time Skip

I wrote 2 comments one being harem the other no harem. The one with the most thumbs up by the end of Saturday is how the story will go.


Its been a year since I came to be in the care of the Oak family. When Gary first saw me, I was having breakfast with Daisy and Pro. Oak. He was confused but Pro. Oak told him that I was one of his friends' kid and that I would be staying with them until I received my pokemon.

He accepted it but we never really got close. Well, we talk with each other, but he doesn't really care and tends to keep to himself. Though when it comes to boasting he will, even if it's about the smallest of things.

I also met Ash. One word to describe him is idiotic. When he found out about me, he came to see me. At that time, I was with Pro. Oak in his lab reading one of his books. He saw me reading a book about Pokémon and said that reading about pokemon would never help me and that the only way to become a better pokemon trainer was to actually have a pokemon. I told him I was busy a few times before he left me alone.

During this year I managed to impress Pro. Oak with my knowledge about pokemon that he asked me if I wanted to become his assistant. I instantly accepted as that would allow me to read more of his books and interact with the pokemon he has in the field in the back of his lab.

As for Daisy, she was getting clingier as time went on. Now she treats me exactly like she does Gary which is the reason he even talks to me since I also suffer from the same thing he does. She also gets really mad when Pro. Oak and I get back to the house late.

A month after I began staying with Pro. Oak my Ralts hatched. I always kept the egg with me and when I saw it wiggling with some small cracks, I let out a scream of excitement. When Pro. Oak heard me, he came rushing over asking what was wrong, but I told him to be quiet and pointed to where my egg was.


Its been a month since I've come to this world and have been staying with Pro. Oak. I've learned a few things mostly concerning ancient civilizations on Kanto like Pokelantis and Pokemopolis. I became really intrigued by Pokemopolis as I want to see the giant pokemon.

While reading a book on these ancient civilizations I hear a weird scraping sound. Looking over to where it was coming from, I see my egg wiggling and a few cracks on its surface.

Realizing what's happening I let out a scream which draws the attention of Pro.oak. Not wanting him to ruin this moment I tell him to be quiet while pointing at my egg. Seeing what made me scream he is visibly trying to hold back a scream of his own.

This continues for a few minutes until the egg split into multiple pieces falling and revealing what was inside. It was a Ralts but instead of being white with a green head and red spike it had a pinkish tint to its body with its head being blue and an orange spike. That's right it was a shiny Ralts.

I begin to walk towards it and stop in front of it. it turns to look at me then it jumps at me falling into my arms. It hugs me while I hug it back.

Pro. Oak comes and ruins the moment by asking why it was different colors than normal. After hearing what kind of pokemon would hatch out of the egg he investigated Ralts so him being confused is understandable.

I tell him that its 1 in an 8000 chance for a pokemon to be born with a different color sequence than what their species is known for. I tell him about how a Gyarados could be red instead of blue and how a Charizard could be black instead of orange.

He gets shocked and goes to his computer and calls some of the other professors. Seeing him like that I know better than to wait for him, so I take Ralts and go for a walk.

I walk to the backyard of the lab and sit in the shade of a tree. I place Ralts in front of me and then place a Pokeball in front of Ralts. Ralts seeing it clicks the button and gets caught.

I then call it out and put the Pokeball away. I then try to communicate with Ralts mentally but all I hear is the same noise all Ralts make. Thinking about it Ralts has just hatched so her knowing how to talk would be strange.

I decide to check Ralts stats but when I opened the menu a notification popped up saying that I got a letter from Genesis. Opening the bag, I see a new letter, so I take it out and read it.

Hello, again Zero,

As you can or will see your Ralts is a bit special. Not only is it shiny but it has maxed IV's. now because this is a real world and not a game you can't go around breeding and hatching thousands of pokemon just to get better IV's so I've made it so you can raise a Pokémon's IV's through training. This however still takes a long time and will only work for you. You also have a new option which shows you the IV's of the pokemon you've caught. Well, that's all I have to say so goodbye again and remember to have fun.

Sincerely Genesis.

Having finished reading the letter I immediately check out Ralts stats.

Name: Ralts (Female)

Type: Psychic, Fairy

LV: 1

EXP: 0/10

HP: 11/11

Attack: 4

Defense: 5

SP. Atk: 6

Sp. Def: 6

Speed: 6

Nature: Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Attack)

Ability: Telepathy


Shadow Sneak (Egg Move)

Confuse Ray (Egg Move)

Disable (Egg Move)

Growl (Lv.1)

Seeing its stats and moves I get shocked, the Ralts I've had in games were never this strong at birth. Getting over my shock I quickly change over to check out its IV's and again I get shocked.

All of Ralts IV's are 31.

HP: 31/31

Attack: 31/31

Defense: 31/31

Sp. Atk: 31/31

Sp. Def: 31/31

Speed: 31/31

I look over at Ralts who's napping happily on my lap and couldn't help but mutter beast.

Using the time Ralts is napping I get over my shock and instead, I get filled with a sense of pride and excitement. Pride from having such a beast as my partner and excitement for what the future has in store for us.

We stay together under the tree for a few hours then head to Pro. Oaks house to introduce Ralts to Daisy and Gary.

Flashback End

That's how the day went when Ralts was born. Daisy was infatuated with Ralts as well but Ralts seemed to fear Daisy while she disliked Gary. Speaking of Gary when he found out about Ralts he became furious and screamed out that no matter how much of an advantage I had I would never be better than him. Then he left with visible jealousy in his eyes.

After the birth of Ralts, I've changed my schedule to fit in some training for both me and Ralts. Though Ralts is already maxed in the IV department she lacks moves. And through our months of practice, I've gotten a better grasp on my powers and she has learned psychic. She even learned human speech though she can't talk she can telepathically communicate with me without any problem. When Pro. Oak found out we got a scolding for arriving home late that day from Daisy.

The only other thing worth noting is that a Primeape came charging into the lab followed by another Primeape, one belonging to Pro. Oak. Pro. Oak began freaking out but then calmed down after seeing his Primeape. It looked like it was trying to say something, so I asked Ralts to talk to it then translate for me.

Ralts told me that its children had been poisoned when a hive of Beedrills' was disturbed. It had been fending off all the Beedrills' heading for it and its children but some managed to get through and stung its children.

It happened two days ago and it was feeding them Pecha berries, but it was only relieving the symptoms but wasn't curing them.

I told Pro. Oak what it was, and he went inside to get some medicine that works for Beedrill poison.

After getting the medicine he brought out his Arcanine that we got on and took off after the Primeape mother.

We see the Primeape stop by a giant tree that. Pro. Oak goes in while I stay outside with Ralts while trying to calm down Primeape. A few minutes later Pro. Oak came out smiling with two baby Mankey in his arms.

Primeape ran to him and grabbed her babies while crying. we just stood there and watched with smiles on our faces. After awhile Primeape and told Ralts to give her thanks to us while we told her that if anything else ever happened to go see us and we'll help however we can.

As we were leaving Primeape motioned us to stay. After making sure we stopped she went inside a different hole than the one her children were in and came back with a baby Eevee.

I ask how she has a baby Eevee to which she tells Ralts who then tells me.

Apparently, there were sounds of fighting, so she went to check it out. When she got there, she saw people in black uniforms fighting off the pack of Beedrills while another one was caging some pokemon including a few Kakuna and Mankey. Seeing this she charged in and destroyed the cage freeing the trapped Pokemon.

She then prepared to flee but before that, she saw a small baby pokemon she hadn't seen before on the ground with a few wounds on it. not feeling right about leaving it there she picked it up and brought it home. Once home she fed it some Oran berries in an attempt to heal it.

Though she ran out of Oran berries and decided to go out to get more while the babies were asleep. However, it appears the Beedrills were still furious about what had happened to their nest so that they were attacking anything they saw.

They began attacking Primeape who after a while got worried that they might find her children. Taking a chance, she made a run for her home just in time to knock out a Beedrill that was heading for her home.

Hearing this Pro. Oak frowns then after thinking for a while hands me Eevee and tells me to go back to the lab on Arcanine. I don't feel right leaving him here alone and knowing what I was thinking he calls out a Kangaskhan and tells me he'll be alright.

Nodding I head back and wait for him at the lab. Late at night he returns and tells me it was team rocket and that he called the police and together they managed to capture a few of them but some still got away.

As time went on the Eevee got attached to me so I asked Pro.Oak if Eevee could be the pokemon he gives me when I start my journey to which he agreed. Later that night we received a scolding from Daisy for getting home so late, though we don't tell her how the reason had to do with Team Rocket.

Other than that, no other major events happened, and tomorrow is the day I start my adventure.

I have the team thought out for the Kanto region. Two will permanently remain on the team while four will be interchanged based on region.

The pokemon I have are these types.








I want the 6th one to be ghost, dark or flying.

Preferably one native to Kanto or Johto.

Also, can someone explain base stats to me? PLZ.

Harem or no Harem.

planned for it to only be 1 girl but if you guys want a harem tell me.

Zambiecreators' thoughts