
A Fight With A Model Three Automaton

Alaric and Ethan were running at the fastest speed that they could without using their powers too much. They didn't want to alert the other automatons of their location by using any of their skills or abilities.

"That cannon probably alerted the whole city of some danger, and yeah, we were already on our way out, but do you think Eli would come and check it out?" Alaric asked.

Ethan raised an eyebrow as they ran, "c'mon Alaric, he was your roommate, you know that he absolutely would."

"I guess you're right; I don't want to fight with Eli. My judgment is just clouded around him. After all, he was one of my first friends."

Ethan nodded, "I may not completely understand, but I know that it's hard for you. All you can do is your best. But if Eli won't change, then you know what to do."


Suddenly, they heard a whooshing of air bursting behind them. Alaric looked behind them, and he saw something that chilled him.
