
Kagito appears part 1

Right now Tenchi is at a local inn with the aliens

Keima and Masamune were busy with somethings. In fact, he didn't even see them. Ryoko mentioned something about Keima going on a date and Masamune went on a school trip. As for his sisters, each of them wanted to go Christmas shopping...for some reason, it was a big battle...Christmas is a few weeks away

The inn near the house has great food but Tenchi wasn't really thinking about that. His uncle was being punished. He tried to hit on the new owner of the inn. She was a single mother in charge of it but she had no interest in him...

Tenchi said sit boy and he came crashing down and passed out

Tenchi originally made it for holy land when he was doing the journey to the west thing...but when he came back for a bit before going to jail his uncle saw the chain and put it around his neck unable to remove it and now...if Tenchi says sit boy it causes his body and soul to be slammed to the ground...

{Sun Wukong had one placed on him}

Tenchi in the water decides to power up to his fullest and use his spirt gun...on the divider of the water for men and women

he charges up a and fires a spirit gun at the wall...he smiles at the results and then he decides to use his full power purely physical punch and punches and the results to both of them...barely a scratch to the divider and the water moved only a little that's it...

Tenchi looks at his arm completely blightless: well on a positive the blight is gone

Tenchi starts laughing as tears fall out of his eyes


Originally Tenchi was going to create a philosophers stone...it would cost 10,000 lives

So...he decided against it. That is the reason why he had used everyone to evacuate the people

Tenchi thought of another way to get rid of the blight...transfer it to something else..yup the crystal. Tenchi based it on the crystal in his soul. he created a new one...a Light crystal... To make it he had to put a lot of work and inject most of his powers and some of his lifeforce into it...namely 99.99% his power was lost...when he discussed it with Lailah, and Frankenstein they told him that he lost more than just power he lost years of strength. The crystal had taken a toll on his soul and it will take over 10 years for him to recover his strength...


Ryoko and Ayaka are in the onsen

Ryoko forces Ayaka to join her and pours sake cup which she downs

Ryoko:wow you sure no how to put this stuff away*pours more*hehe

Ayaka: now let me remind you. I haven't quite forgiving you for that incident the other day*grup*

Ryoko: come on your still upset about that...I'm certainly sorry that you couldn't seduce Tenchi HAHAHA

Ayaka: your disgusting*she takes the jar full of sake and refills the jug as she drinks it fast: Tenchi and I are related by noble blood...I'm not like you.

Ryoko: well you only knew him for a few months..I, on the other hand, have known him since he was this tiny...*reminiscing of the time* he sure was a cutie pie


His grandmother used to take him on walks...she would always walk to the cave where I was...I would then see him... I saw him being carried on her back

it was like he could see me...

He was always so cheerful...always happy spending time with his grandmother...until that day when she died...

He cried near my cave...I couldn't do anything to help him...

I always hoped one day Tenchi and I would play together


Ryoko: but now he treats me like a burden...so of course I tease him sometimes...you understand don't you

Ayaka who is red drunk laughs: yes but darling. you were a mummy. Maybe Tenchi just doesn't want to play with a monster

Ryoko: thanks for the sympathy grr

Ayaka: well lets be honest. Your wondering why he treats you like he does? I think I know the problem. *she goes close* I'm pretty sure the problem is your AGE. Your over a thousand years old and hes not going to be seduced by an old lady. Just look at my beautiful skin. its so youthful and yours is so...well maybe you been soaking too long...hahaha

Ryoko: I hate you*tears

suddenly Miyoshi appears

Miyoshi: I'm sorry am I disturbing you

both turn to see Miyoshi behind them and glared at her asking how long shes been there

Miyoshi: are you talking about Tenchi?

she gets comfortable and joins in without their consent

Miyoshi: when I discovered that Tenchi saved me when I was sucked in the black hole ...well I thought...I thought he just might be my destiny

both Ryoko and Ayaka sigh

Miyoshi blushes: we only knew each other for a bit too

Ryo okki comes in and jumps on Ryoko

Ryoko: your the only one who understands my feelings

Ryo oki: meow

Ryoko: huh...
