
How could God?

"Did you know that the bombs often leave no trace of the people that were once here? Well except for their shadows. Did you know that Private.Kender?" Mika asked softly, her throat clearly holding back her anger as her muscles tensed. "I...I knew. They...they don't tell us these things at camp. They don't . I see their shadows. I hear their pain. God... I just can't understand. This isn't the glory we were promised, Sir." Kender replied weakly, the grip he had on his gun tightening and contorting as he shambles through his answer.

"Sir, everyday it's going to be my last. Everyday I think more and more I want this to be my last. I don't know what I'm fighting for anymore. I don't think I ever did..." Kender through near tears continued. "Right now we fight for nothing. We're like frenzied hounds out for blood and nothing more!" Mika shouted abruptly. "But if you live for nothing else! If you have nothing else to live for! Survive! Climb the ranks and change our nation Private! Torga is nothing more than a death machine but if we work our way up and refuse to oil it then it'll break down and self destruct!" Mika screamed, almost trying more to console herself than she was the private.

Standing at their feet, the corpse of a small child no more than the age of 10, dead. The child was fastly approaching them, almost sprinting, wrapped in a bomb, begging for help. Kender, shot the child. The smell of their blood still fresh in the air. The smoke of the privates gun still visible. "How could God allow this?" Kender asked. "I stopped asking that years ago" Mika softly whispered, watching from a distance as the young Kender cried. The death of innocents. The death of innocence. How could God?
