
Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming

The village was much more advanced than Abby would have expected. There were gas-lit streetlamps everywhere and the shops and houses looked like ones she had seen in some of the nicer towns they passed on the trip.

There was a public library too. That had to be Katie's influence. This world had bookshops, not libraries. The concept of letting someone rent a book for free merely for the sake of spreading knowledge was foreign here.

Her entire being tingled with anticipation. But how was Abby supposed to find her?

The majority of the people in the streets had the signature Kanta look but there were several blondes and brunettes mixed in that looked to be in their twenties or thirties. They must be the spouses of the second generation survivors.

In such a tiny, close-knit village like this outsiders stood out. People began whispering about the man with the silver hair and his female companion.
