
Wedding Rings

Skye liked the idea of going on a honeymoon with his wife but he felt like he's missing something. Something really important, but he couldn't point out what. He creased his brows deeply, trying to think of the thing he's missing and became he knows it's really important.

He turned his head and saw Michael wearing his dragon designed bracelet and suddenly remembered. Rings! He forgot about Wedding Rings.

He stood up and snapped his fingers.

"I gotta go!" He said hurriedly as he heads towards the door. The big, annoying three cats followed after him. They went out of the door and William asked curiously "Where are you going?"

"Jewelry store!" Skye said hurriedly while looking at his watch.

"Okay. We're going with you" Jacob and Michael said simultaneously. Skye suddenly stopped before he continued walking. He wanted to say 'No need' but they're better at these things.

He walked downstairs and gestured for his sister to come to him. She stood beside him and he lowered his head and whispered something in her ear.

His sister giggled before nodding. Kylie also whispered what her brother told her to Lisa before dragging the girl out of the house and into Kylie's car. The red car left the house afterwards.

Skye left the house while milo and Mulan were distracted and entered his car. Michael followed him but Jacob and William stayed since Skye said it's a surprise. Michael followed after him in his own car, speeding, trying to catch up to skye's car.

They entered the parking lot and parked their car. Their car caught the attention of all the people there. The people stopped what they were doing and looked at the car, trying to see which powerful and rich man will come out.

Michael was the first one to open the door and the people watched intently as if watching their favourite show. They all gasped when they saw such a handsome man but it's not just any man, it's the heir of one of the elite families. When Skye came out, they all froze. The handsome man that all girls dream of is here! The person whose face is on the every magazine around Paris and in some parts of the world. Skye Xavier, his name alone makes girls to bite their lips and blush; The famous racer that beat the world record and the Cold Ceo in one the Xavier's family's companies. The company that other companies dream to be in a collaboration with. Even if Skye isn't as famous as the Business Emperor, His brother; He's still famous in the business world and that only makes the Xavier family even more famous.

Skye and Michael ignored the stares of the people, mostly from the ladies as they bite their bottom lips and blushed while playing with their hair. If it was the old Michael, he would've winked at them while flashing them his charming smile but he changed. His playboy self was long gone ever since Katelyn came into his life.

They entered the store and the sales lady immediately approached them with a big smile on her face. Seeing them was the biggest eye candy ever.

"Welcome Sirs. What kind of jewelry are you sirs looking for?" She said professionally but she was screaming inside. She kept glancing at them from time to time especially Skye but the man ignored her. He didn't even talk to her, only Michael was doing the talking.

There's two floors in the building and the first one is for jewelries under a million and the second floor is for jewelries for at least a million or above.

Michael and Skye head towards the elevator and the sales lady followed them hurriedly. If they bought something worth at least a million, she will get a bonus so she cannot lose them. She pressed the button and their sweet cologne entered her nostrils.

'Ah.. They smell so.. Good!' She said inwardly trying to not show it on her face.

They walked out of the elevator and another sales lady approached them.

"Welcome sirs" Since they're two of them she wanted to get a bonus too but the first sales lady interrupted her thoughts as she said "I'm sorry lina but I'm with them!"

The girl called lina growled softly before she gave up and walked away.

Skye looked around but nothing interests him. being born in a noble family, seeing diamonds and other gems doesn't bother him or even interests him.

He looks around and his eyes glistening. He saw a beautiful couple made rings made from white, pink and red diamonds. But that didn't interest him, what interests him is the meaning of the gems on the rings.

The jeweler created this couples ring as a symbol of love. The white represents the trust that the couple shared and their love cannot be broken easily. The pink represents the happiness in the lives of the couples while living happily ever after. And the red represents pure and endless love that the couples will share forever.

He smiled and the sales ladies almost fainted. How can one have such a beautiful smile. Michael grinned, he will have a niece sooner than he thinks then.

Michael said softly "You love her, Don't you?"

Skye looks at him innocently and said "Huh?" his innocence almost killed the ladies in the room. How can he be sexy in one second and so cute in the next.

"Mulan. You love her, Right?" Michael continued. He might as well use this opportunity to get some useful information out of his dear friend right.

"I..Don't know" Skye said innocently as he lowered his head and turned his attention back to the couples rings.

"I know that look. I felt the same way when Katelyn came into my life" Michael said as his voice softened and his eyes showed pure love just for mentioning his girlfriend's name

"Why are you not engaged yet?" Skye asked just to change the subject. He doesn't like saying what he knows he isn't sure of.

"We will be in a few months I think"

"You think?" Skye asked with a raised brow.

"Hm.. We will get engaged don't worry and I don't care if you don't like going to events like this but you must come to my wedding or I'll drag you there myself!"

Skye rolled his eyes at his friend. He asked the sales lady that was five feet away from them and said" I want this couples rings. How much is it? "

The woman gasped. That ring.. That ring is so expensive and he just asked like that as if the money doesn't bother him one bit. Sigh.. The life of the rich is complicated. She will never understand them, instead of buying the rings, why not buy something more important. But the woman still felt jealous of the woman getting this ring. She's quite lucky.

"The rings cost.. Three million dollars, Sir!"
