
I'm not a parrot

Then a shadow suddenly flitted above the crowd and landed in the middle of the streets, blocking the way of the knights.

The commotion earlier suddenly descended into whispers when they saw the person who dared to obstruct the way of the knight order.

"Who the hell is that guy? Is he going to confess to someone?"

"Maybe. After all, it's not rare for someone to have the courage to announce his love for a woman in front of a crowd of people, especially towards the women of the Fenrir Knights"

"Woohoo! We're cheering for you man! Whoever is the woman that you had set your sights into, you just need to know that we're rooting for you!"

One burly dude even ripped off his shirt and yelled "Man!"

Meanwhile, the women among the crowd of people are whispering among themselves.

"Geez, this again"

"What? Isn't it cool? Isn't it heartwarming and heart-thumping for someone professing his love to you in front of a huge crowd?"
