
Crucial Moments

Dragic began generating powerful yellow energy around his body, screeching as loud as he could. As Dragic continued to power up, Feng noticed an opening. He stepped forward, lunging towards Dragic sockdolager him in his chest, crushing his ribs. Dragic began laughing. Blood poured out of his mouth like a waterfall. My master always told me to ignore the pain your enemies dealt upon your body... Expressing the signs of pain to your enemy is showing them that you are a weak snollygoster person who just cowers behind people so they can save their useless lives." " Unlike you I have principles. My life is worthy and worth living for."

" I will be damned I defeated in the second round of the fucking preliminaries!!" yelled Dragic. The entire arena was shaking. The spiritual gauntlets appeared around Dragic's forearms once again. Feng sucked his teeth, lunging forward, kicking Dragic repeatly in his face. His nose was shattered, and his jaw dislocated. As Feng was about to roundhouse Dragic, Dragic kneeled Feng in his chin, causing him to smash on the ground. Dragic perched over Feng, beginning to choke with immense force. My, my!!!" How the tables have turned!!!" Feng was air supply was being cut off. "Even if you managed to kill me, misfortune will affect you later in life." " Your future will dark and gloomy. You will lonely, scared, and lost for words." Dragic was looking like a maniac. Feng formed a ball of white energy in his mouth, spitting it into Dragic's face.

Dragic's grip loosened up. Feng overpowered Dragic nearly tossing him off the ring. Dragic used his hands to stop himself from falling off the ring. Half of his face was melted. Half of his fleshy face was exposed. " You fucking bastard!!!" yelled Dragic. As Dragic looked up he didn't see Feng. Where the fuck are you?!!" Show yourself if you fucking pussy?!" Come and fight me like a real man. Show your ways that allowed me to be thrown into this disgusting hellhole!!" Instantaneously, Feng appeared behind Dragic ripping off his arm as if he was carving up a turkey. Blood started oozing out everywhere, Dragic collapsed on his knees. Feng had serious utterance on his face. Everything around Dragic turned dark.

His eyes turned all white and gloomy. This was happening because of the immense blood loss. Feng walked up behind Dragic and kicked him behind his head so hard he gave him prosopagnosia. ( An inability to recognize the faces of familiar people, typically as a result of brain damage.) Dragic saw Lagos sitting down in a hard metal drinking herbal tea. " The time has come Dragic, my fellow student." You will join me in the afterlife for all eternity. Dragic was going crazy. " I refused." I fucking hate you!!" Why do you think I killed you!" " I was jealous. " I wanted everything you knew and had. But now all that has gone down the drain hasn't it?" asked Dragic.

Dragic began snickering and giggling. Feng walked behind Dragic, breaking his neck, killing him instantly. Feng was declared the winner of the second round of the preliminaries. Before the announcer could congratulate Feng and formally promote him to the third round, Feng walked off the ring and headed back to his cell without any prison guards behind him, hassling him about anything. As Feng entered his nasty cell he noticed a big hefty black garbage bag on his bed. He grabbed the hefty garbage bag and ripped it open. At least 10 different varieties of snacks fell onto the ground. This placed a smile on his face. When was about to dig in, he felt and sensed that someone was behind him.

When he turned around he saw Victor Zen. Feng's eyes flashed. Didn't one of Cross and Orion's friends kill you?" Why and how are still alive? Victor began shaking his head. He looked on the ground and picked up a vanilla chocolate bar. At least allow met to commence some explaining, Feng." Thirty minutes passed. They both explained why and how they ended up in The Black Prison. So what is your plan now?" Why aren't you in one of these nasty cells?" Victor sucked his teeth. That's of your fucking business. Victor tossed the vanilla chocolate bar in the nasty shit covered toilet. Victor began sniffing the air. " You allowed yourself to be defeated by a fucking clone. If you probably didn't tell me you were defeated by a clone, I would of probably agreed to help you get into a fancy cell.

" But now I wouldn't you can forget about it, comrade. As you know the Zen Clan is no more. A new age is starting. I stay and continue to fund my money into The Elven Kingdom. These bastard elves will be the leaders of the new world." You wouldn't that new world Feng." You from the old ancient world. Your time has come and gone. Before Victor left, he turned around and said: " Don't think you are winning this tournament because you're not. I will guarantee your defeat." As of this day forth we are no longer allies." Victor walked down a dark hall and disappeared. Feng had to watch for Victor. There were friends or allies. They both hated one another. Feng jumped on his bunk and went to sleep till his next fight came up.

The Next Day...

The next day arrived. Victor defeated yet another contestant with ease. Feng had no idea or information on his opponent. When he entered the arena he saw a huge towering man eating an apple. The huge man had red hair spiky air. No one dared to boo this man. The man had a huge smile on his face. His teeth were sharp. His tongue was long and pink. When he saw Orion he smiled. The man wore tribal garb. He had red tattoos all over his body except his face. " You must be the one they call Feng." " This should be interesting.
