
Storming The Main Phantom Corp Facility

Inside the golden palace laid Raleigh who was expecting Victor. Raleigh had long blonde hair with blue war paint on the side of his face. He shared some of the same traits as Orion but looked much older. He had a goatee. " You must be Victor Zen The One-Armed Swordsman." Victor nodded. Victor stared at Raleigh"s sharp nails that glistened into the light from the crystal chandeliers. Raleigh was equipped with a whip made from the flesh of his former enemies. "Come." "We have much to discuss." Raleigh turned his back on Victor and began walking up steps of ivory. In front of Raleigh laid a door. In front of the door resided two guards who banged their spears on the ground when they saw Raleigh. They opened the doors. Both Raleigh and Victor walked inside. The doors shut behind them as they entered. They were inside Raleigh"s office. Raleigh sat behind his desk and poured himself glass water that had lemon juice squirted in it. Raleigh sipped the glass of water and placed it on his desk. He placed his feet on his desk and said: Now I will like you to know that our leader heard about the Phantom Corp invasion. And by the looks of it, he isn't very happy. He is very furious. Suddenly the enter City Of Clouds began shaking and rumbling. The crystal chandelier attached to the ceiling came crashing down on Raleigh"s desk which was destroyed. Raleigh stood on his feet and walked towards the window. " However this is a minor set back." "Even though the Zen Clan is in shambles he will acquire revenge." Raleigh stared at Victor and said: " You may take your leave." Victor got off his chair and said: " I will make sure those Phantom Corp bastards pay." Victor walked towards the door and pushed it open with his pinky. He walked out of the golden palace and headed for the exit. The two guards at the exit began staring down Victor. He walked past them and grinned. Suddenly the guards coughed up blood and dropped on the ground. They instantly died. Victor began laughing. " Who's a cripple now?" Victor was headed for The Main Phantom Corp Facility.

Cross, Sarah, Jesse, Orion, Takeo, and Lucia"s Location..

Cross, Sarah, Jesse, Orion, Takeo, and Lucia were recovering from their wounds. They had been through some fearsome battles. Cross unwrapped the blood-drenched bandages from around his head and tossed it to the side. He began breathing heavily. He sighed and picked up a bottle of wine he saw on the ground. He picked the bottle of wine up and popped it open. He guzzled it down and tossed the empty glass bottle to the side. When the bottle dropped on the ground it shattered into 100 pieces. When he was about to drink another bottle of wine, Jesse came behind him. " What is it son?" asked Jesse. "All the Zen"s aren't dead aren't they?" "I don't know." Cross looked at Orion and saw that he was in pain. Orion was up against a tree coughing up blood. He collapsed on one knee and held his chest. It felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing him in the chest. He stood and his feet and chopped the tree that stood before him in half.

One of Orion"s eyes were glowing. Blood began to draw. There was a very evil power in his body that was begging to come out. If it was released many would die before his hand. He turned around and shouted: " Everyone!" "We need to go to Malar, The City In The Clouds this instant!" Cross sighed and walked towards Orion. " Orion everyone needs to recover. Orion looked behind and saw Lucia with multiple bandages wrapped around her body. He grounded his teeth tightly and bumped into Cross purposely and muttered: " Fucking pussy." He then halted. "Look here Cross." If you all won't come with me I will gladly kill each and everyone of the Zen"s with bare hands. "With our without your help." Cross wanted to punch Orion but he didn't. He didn't want to fight a ally. We will leave in the morning. Orion looked behind Cross and saw everyone nodding. The only one who wasn't nodding was Takeo. Takeo had his back up against a tree. He was sharpening his sword. Orion scoffed and sat on the ground.

In front of The Main Phantom Corp Facility.

Victor stood in front the gates of the main Phantom Corp Facility. In his front of him laid two sentry guns. "Hostiles detected." The sentry guns began rapidly firing at Victor. Victor dodged the high velocity bullets and jumped in the air. He pulled out his sword and sliced the air. A white sword beam sliced the sentry guns into pieces. Multiple explosions occured. He landed on his feet and rested his sword inside it's sheath. When he was about to proceed he noticed that the ground stared shaking. It was a Phantom Corp Convoy. He suddenly zipped past the incoming Phantom Corp Convoy. He rested his sword in it's sheath yet again and snapped his fingers. Explosions occured. Victor jumped in the air, jumping over the front gates. The front gates were guarded by newcomer Van Zen. Van Zen could hear the commotion from a very far distance. When he came to the area he heard the commotion he no longer heard anything. Suddenly a droplet of blood leaked on his face. Dead bodies laid everywhere. Victor didn't have one scratch one his body. Victor settled his eyes on the blind Van. He tried to kill Van easily but his attempt flopped. Van rolled out of the way. " You are a part of the Zen"s aren't you?"

Victor didn't answer. I guess that's a yes. Van took off his top layer of clothes and revealed his muscles. The nasty scar Seth Z gave him horribly healed up. "Well then." "Let's make this a clean bloody match." said Van. Suddenly blood began to draw from Victor"s face. Victor licked the blood and placed his sword in it's sheath. He only needed one arm to defeat Van . After all he was blind.
