
Enter The High Noble Squared Ark Part 9 chapter 15

In front of the gates of the king of Micros.

When Salazar walked up to the gate he was confronted by two giants. "State your purpose." The king of Micros has requested my purpose." I hope that is not too much fucking trouble for you. The two giants had overheard the king saying he wanted to see Salazar. The two giants opened the gates and Salazar walked in. He went inside an elevator and licked on the number zero which would go all the way up to the king's throne room. When the elevator opened up there sat the king of Micros. The king of Micros name was Yamato. He stood up to at least fifteen feet. Yamato was talking to his son when he saw Salazar. " Finally High Noble Salazar." "I was wondering when you were going to arrive." Yamato's son name was Gen. He hard his father to the core. He already planned with Salazar to kill his father. He was very jealous. His father had all the popularity, fame, power, and glory. When he was in front of his father he acted as if he hated Salazar. "Father, why did you bring his fag to your chambers?" " It does not concern you." " And if you ever talk to me with that attitude again will throw you in the most disgusting vile prison we have on this fucking planet." Gen stormed out of Yamato's chambers muttering bad words. "Now the first thing I want to discuss with you is the intruders who are I placed a bounty on." " Do not worry about those intruders." "They are good as dead." " I hope so." "The second thing I want to discuss with you is something very important." "Who gave you permission to kill Alfre?" Salazar breathed heavy and said: "I regret killing Alfre." But he killed my brother." " It was my destiny to kill him." "You have honour." But you still broke the law." Suddenly more than fifty noble guards surrounded Salazar accompanied by the main noble guard. High Noble Salazar you are under arrest for the murder of High Noble Alfre. Tch. Salazar dropped on the ground and rested his hands behind his head.
