
Prove It

"You!" Chairman Fischer was angered even further by Chance's response and struggled to come up with a retort.

"Mr. Chairman, sir, I really do not have a choice in the matter. If you don't believe me, Miss Foster can provide you with a copy of the documents that I signed and you can verify them however you wish." Chance used a polite and respectful voice when addressing the chairman.

He was trying his best to calm the old man. Partly because he wanted to work with him and not against him. And partly because he didn't want to witness a heart attack today...

Chance nodded to Fait and she went to retrieve copy of Mack's will and any other agreements related to the publishing company.

The old man's eyes narrowed as he took a seat to wait. He crossed his arms and continued to scrutinize the younger man.

Chance simply returned to his desk and continued to go over the meeting notes. Every so often he'd take a pen or a highlighter and mark up the papers in front of him.

After about twenty minutes, Chance broke the silence.

"Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffee? Tea?"

The chairman didn't answer but Chance got up anyway, opened a refrigerated cabinet, and pulled out two bottles of water. He set one on his desk and set the other one on the coffee table by the chairman.

Then he returned to the desk and continued to work.

Chairman Fischer just stared off into space with a blank expression, trying to come up with a plan to kick Chance out of Lovewell Publishing.

After another fifteen minutes, Fait finally return.

"Mr. Fischer, I apologize for the delay. I had to go to the law office to get an official copy." She handed him a folder. "You are welcome to read it here or in the conference room."

"Miss Foster, I was told that I could verify this paperwork. How am I to do that if I remain here?"

"These documents are still considered confidential by LCM. They can only leave this building with a handful of people, of which Mr. Fischer, you are not one of them. Although it may be of inconvenience to you, please bear with us in this matter." Fait remained expressionless throughout her explanation.

However, internally she was wishing for this headache inducing elder to get over himself and leave.

"So, I have been lied to." His brow lifted and he sneered at the cold little woman.

"Not really. You can still verify the documents here. Call whoever you need to and we will let them through."

Chance didn't look up once during the entire exchange. He had put his full focus on Director Katzen's feasibility study.

It was well written and explained everything clearly about the current market for online media and which types of business models were performing the best.

He suddenly realized the room had gone silent and it felt like he was being stared at.

"I'm terribly sorry. Could you repeat that?" He reluctantly set the report down and lifted his gaze.

Sure enough, Fait and the chairman were waiting for some kind of answer to a question he didn't hear.

"Mr. Fischer would like to sit in and observe while he reads through the documents. I asked if that was acceptable." Fait filled him in on what he had missed.

"Sure, not a problem." He turned his attention back to the report like the matter had nothing to do with him.

If the old man wanted to stay, he could stay. Why stop him?

"I shall get comfortable then. There seems to be quite a bit to read." The chairman gestured to the folder he had been handed.

Fait nodded to show that she understood and left to go back to her own desk.

The chairman settled into his seat and started reading through the documents while Chance continued diligently scanning through various reports from the meeting.

Before long, a couple hours had quietly passed and it was now lunch time. Fait briefly reappeared to drop off some food and then once again retreated without a word.

After lunch, the chairman had finally gotten to the final document which was Mack's will.

As he read the clauses set by the late CEO, he couldn't believe his eyes. He read and reread the same few lines over and over until he realized Chance was telling the truth.

Mack had left him no say in the matter. Take over or else was the clear message from his old friend to this dubious young man.

But why? What was so special about this man? What did Mack see in him?

Everyone knew of the infamous Chance Addison. The foolish wastrel of a businessman who self-destructed, dragging his entire company down in the process.

Although, from what the chairman had seen in the last few hours made him doubt the capabilities of his subordinates.

After the first hour, he had thought it was an act that would fail shortly. Giving him water was just a calculated move to curry favor. After two and three hours, the young man still hadn't looked up. He wasn't stirred by anything, not even by the lunch that was brought in.

If this Addison character was such a fool, why did it seem he was genuinely working so hard?

TheExtraDoor here with another apology.

I'm in for a busy couple of weeks so the upload schedule might drop to every other day for a little while.

Oh magnanimous readers, please forgive me.

Thanks for reading!

TheExtraDoorcreators' thoughts