
What a Sweet Little Girl

Xie Yuansheng went to his office and opened his desk drawer. From there he collected his gun and put it in his waist holster beneath his suit while Feng Xinying waited for the IT people to finish the last part. 

Feng Xinying stepped in the backseat of the car along with Xie Yuansheng. It was already 6PM by the time the IT guys had finished talking and giving them all the evidence in a pen drive. 

They reached his house after another one hour. It took almost forever to reach his house since the traffic was crazy, as all the offices had closed by then and the office going people were going back home. Feng Xinying was beginning to become impatient. Xie Yuansheng held her hand in the car and said, "Feng Xinying, this is a very small thing. I had asked you to stay quiet over this matter because it is worthless. You already have the file with you, so why are you so interested in knowing who sabotaged your files?" 
