
My Life...

Her tears started flowing out unbridled. It was the first time he had behaved like a monster. She struggled her hands against him but he wouldn't leave. 

Xie Yuansheng as tears was flowing out of her eyes. His jaw dropped, "Why are you crying?" he asked as he felt his heart becoming mushy. He was so stern and rigid that his anger surfaced unrestrained, and now as he saw her crying, he could only feel sad and dejected. "Don't- Don't- cry Feng Xinying," he spoke again tenderly. Her expressions were so tender when she cried that it aroused desire in Xie Yuansheng. She looked beautiful even when she cried. He didn't want anyone to see her crying. 

Xie Yuansheng immediately left her hand and started wiping her tears with his shirtsleeve. He frowned and said, "Xinying, I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I am sorry, darling."
