

[Several days later]

Apparently Tatsumi was teleported from Mt. Fake to a random island with Esdeath, he turned back the next day and talked about it, when he spoke about the symbol that he saw in the ground before teleporting, Billy explained that it meant that Syura, the son of the Prime Minister, turned back.

After that, they started their jobs once again, but Billy just continued to train, for then changing vessel and starting the job.

However, since the Jaegers were created, they started to become more and more of a pain in the ass. However, most of the jobs were taken from Chelsea, whose Teigu permits her to transform in anything. Now he and everyone else were grouped in the meeting room.

Najenda: The subject this time is the religion that is being spread throughout the citizens called the "Path of Peace".

Chelsea: That religion that says that doing good deeds contributes to happiness and longevity, huh.

Billy: It doesn't seem so bad…

Tatsumi: Ah. That came to my village as well! That statue of God that the village head gave me when we left was from that religion.

Najenda: Over the past ten years, the "Path of Peace" has been increasing their adherents, and they've become quite influential on the eastern side of the empire. Soon, this "Path of Peace" will start an armed uprising… That is, a religious insurrection… We are going to use this for our own purposes.

Tatsumi: Wai… Wait just a second! If a insurrection like that happens, just how many citizens are going to die?! Rather, isn't better if we move to stop something like that!?

Billy: Chill out Retard, it's not like they go around yelling the name of their god before exploding…

Lubbock: Doing what?

Billy: Nevermind. In short, I am already killing god-knows-how-many people just by taking away the money from the empire, I would give it 15 years before they fall, right now you can notice that a really slight number of soldiers fired themselves because there wasn't enough money for paying them.

You don't need to really worry about citizens when we are killing people left and right, besides, either we do this or we wait 15 years, we aren't in a manga so there isn't a fucking miracle ready to fall in our hands.

Tatsumi: …..I see.

Chelsea: Well, it's better to listen until the end.

Lubbock: The empire is still incredibly powerful, even with less money. After a while, the "Path of Peace"'s insurrection would be suppressed as well, with large amounts of blood being shed in the end.

Najenda: And with that, it's finally the revolutionary army's turn. The moment the "Path of Peace" begins their armed uprising, we'll have an allied tribe in the west begin an attack. With this, the empire will have enemies both within and from outside. But they can probably withstand even this.

Then, as a clincher, the revolutionary army will begin a revolt on the south side. They will advance towards the capital… And overthrow the empire.

Tatsumi: I see… So it's a three-pronged attack…

Najenda: It will depend from this question… Billy, how many minions can you summon at once.

Billy: I can summon at least 10'000 giants and…

...573'729'108'719'112'926 minions, and each one can be armed.

The meeting room was silent as everyone looked at him in shock…

Najenda: So… So many?!

Billy: Of course I can't use all of them at once, if they all die and then I die too, I will die for real, besides, I need to cover the entire continent in black if I want to summon at least 1/500 of them, basically, if I am prepared, I can summon all of the minions I currently possess at once, and the number is slowly rising too.

Lubbock: Heh, this thing is sick… You can literally overpopulate the planet even if there is no humans in…

Billy: I knew one day a question like this would come, so I already started to enchant some of them when I could. Right now 5 giants and 2'314 minions are enchanted.

Najenda: Great! Then you will take care of the north with your minions and giants. Even if the trump card of the empire, Budo and his imperial guards, will come to intercept, they can't hope to come out unscathed. Not only that, but the palace's security will drop sharply.

Akame: And when that happens, it will be the perfect opportunity to assassinate the minister. We will storm the palace and eliminate the minister! We will break the empire from the inside-out.

Lubbock: Well, sly bastards like that seem like they'll get away at the end, though.

Billy: If that piece of shit steps out from the palace I will be there with a shotgun in his face.

Najenda: In return for the western tribe's, help, we've agreed to restore their original territory.

Tatsumi: Restore?

Najenda: Originally, part of the western region of the empire belonged to the tribes. Recovering that land is their dearest wish. If the empire collapses and the bad laws disappear, the anger of the citizens will also abate.

If we continue to move things swiftly towards the sinking of the capital, there probably won't be too much bloodshed.

Susanoo: If the plans have been made, then all there is left to do is to execute, but… The reason as to why we can't do that yet must be connected to the job this time.

Najenda: ....That's exactly it, Susanoo! As one would expect from my Teigu! The "Path of Peace" is the key to everything, but… At the moment, there seems to be some commotion going on within.

The lord may hold tremendous charisma, but… His trusted assistant, Bolic. He's a spy brought in by the Minister. Bolic's goal is to seize the "Path of Peace" and stop the armed uprising from happening.

He plans to eventually kill the lord, and make him into a god, and stand at the peak himself.

Tatsumi: Isn't there any way you could pass information to them and prevent that?

Billy: *Sigh* Retard, we would have already done it if there wasn't any problem…

Najenda: There's a group within that sides with Bolic, and they have a great deal of influence. And they have the backing of the empire, too. This is the most repulsive part about the minister, he doesn't even try to suppress the outer parts and instead tries to seize the inner workings. And this is the mission this time.

We will go to the headquarters of the "Path of Peace" and remove Bolic. We have information that he mixes drugs into the food of a small percentage of adherents, once they're addicted, the fiend uses them as loyal toys, there's no need to hold back.

Lubbock/Susanoo: Tch…

Lubbock: He's probably alternating through women, playing around them.

Susanoo: To put drug in food is nothing if not an insult to food…

Lubbock/Susanoo: I'll never forgive him!

Billy: ...No, wait, there is something wrong with the reason of being angry…

Leone: If we leave them alone, then more and more adherents will be addicted, huh… Well we'll have to put a stop to that.

Najenda: Lastly, about the Jaegers… At the moment, they're trying to hunt us down with all of their strength, if we keep ending up behind them, at this rate we'll surely be caught. So this time, I propose that we lure them outside the capital, and then wage war on them.

Akame: So we're finally going to have an all-out confrontation!

Najenda: Even within the Jaegers, I have a request from headquarters for us to kill Kurome and Bols if we have the opportunity.

Chelsea: They burned a village that was supporting the revolutionary army down to the ground, after all… Bols' corps, that is. Although it's probably also because of Bols' firepower being a threat as well.

Najenda: As long as the Jaegers continue to be led by Esdeath, it doesn't change the fact that they are the minister's private army. You can fight them as enemies even after becoming acquainted with them, right? Tatsumi, Billy.

Tatsumi: ….I'll do it. I'll fight at my full strength, even if we fight those who aren't our targets. I have no doubts!

Billy: You don't need to question it, I couldn't care less if they are my friends or enemies, they are target, besides, when I will join the fight it will become a psychological fight due to my presence and the side I took.

Najenda: ...Good!

Billy grinned and looked around, everyone had a serious expression, then he noticed Chelsea looking at Tatsumi before lowering her head and blushing, making bigger his grin.

Billy: 'Hehehe, so Lolipop has a crush with Retard… This will be getting funny.'

Suddenly, a fissure opened in a nearby wall and a minion came out.

Billy: Hmm? Something happened?

The minion reached Billy and whispered some things on his ear.

Billy: ...I understand.

He turned around and said.

Billy: Esdeath called for me, what should I do, Snake?

Najenda: Hmm… Go with them, it will work at our advantage since they wouldn't expect an attack coming from you.

Billy: Alright.
