
Leaving The Realm

Giving her body a stretch, Shiro had just finished the final training session in the pocket dimension as they were currently preparing to make their way out.

During the final week, Nimue had woken up and was shocked to see a slightly older Atesh as she had also experienced some changes herself. She noticed that her control over the water around her increased dramatically as she was even able to extract a bunch of water from the air causing that area to 'dry up'.

In addition to this, Shiro had noticed that her combat ability had shot through the roof as she was comparable to a high level tier 5 when it comes to her element.

Moreover, she had also discovered that Nimue received a new passive skill. Every attack that she sustains will have its damage cut as her body would be turned to water. It also worked against fire attacks that would normally evaporate her since there was still water in the air.
