

"You seemed to have quite the fruitful journey." The king raised his eyebrow after seeing Yin following behind Shiro.

"Indeed. This is Yin, self-proclaimed daughter of mine." Shiro smiled as she gestured for Yin to say hi.

"I'm not self-proclaimed mum. You hatched me, fed me and looked after me. If you're not my mum, who is?" Yin pouted.

"Daughter? Who's the father?" The king asked curiously. He was also a little concerned since Shiro barely looked legal. Plus, her daughter was almost as big as her!

"Like I said, she's not my blood daughter. You can think of her as adopted." Shiro sighed.

"Then why does she look so much like you?"

"Yeah, if you're not my mum, then why do I look so much like you?" Yin grinned as she hopped around Shiro.

Grabbing Yin's head, Shiro ignored her screams and looked towards the king.
