
Beneath the Eternal Ice

"Eternal Ice was at first one of the most coveted resources after it was proven to be a really good mineral for making weapons. Most people before have believed that the Eternal Ice is just like ores or magic stones that spawn just fine in different areas. Back in the day, Eternal Ice is pretty common. However, one of the events that involve the aforementioned mineral changed the view of the people on it forever," she explained.

"An incident?"

"It's a secret incident and I just recently uncovered it. In fact, if you ask the majority of the people in Aquagius, only a handful might still remember that. Perhaps the old insect people do but most people don't know about it. Only those who are history geeks or just pure researchers have found out about it. So... this incident is very similar to this little nameless town that got wiped out from the map."
