
Chapter 54

Yu Ao Tian keeps on teasing Yao Yao by touching one by one of her sensitive parts, confirm her whether that part has been touched by the auction's committee (the auction people). She kept saying no while crying.

She begged him to stop but the angry Yu Ao Tian became angrier and uncontrolled. She tried to use many ways in order to make Yu Ao Tian stopped his action from the begging, crying even negotiating with him but all just in vain.

"Tell me, how they checked on you?" this is the N times Yu Ao Tian asked.

Her mouth sealed so tight finally Yu Ao Tian used the last moved. It was the disgusting ones.

He asked her to perform fellatio by hand (you check yourself in google).

Yao Yao knew there were many women slept with him and also perhaps did same things. She felt so disgusting about that thing. She refused but he forced her to do. There was nothing she can do, except crying for her fate.

Even Yu Ao Tian asked her to perform fellatio, it was not to satisfied himself but more to vent his anger on her. After torturing and taunting her verbal or physical, he stopped for moment.


"Bao Bei, you dares to sell yourself, you must prepare yourself to confront with various type of owner? At the moment we will continue the game."

Once Yao Yao thought what other worse thing would happen to her, her body could not stop from trembling. He teased her, he taunting her, he torturing her....

Ring...Ring...Ring... suddenly Yu Ao Tian phone ringing, even he hates to pick up the call still with unhappy expression he said: "Bao Bei, don't stop, keep on!"
