
Tears of a Father

300 AC, Riverrun…

Eddard sat upon the high seat with Stannis. His son, Robb, and daughter-in-law, Shireen, was sitting with them. The music was a constant pleasure at every ear. Smiles were plastering every face. Beer was flowing down the cups and meat was sliding down the mouths. Men and women were dancing like there was no end.

Vances and Flints were having a drinking contest. Blackwoods and Brackens were laughing together. Freys and Darrys were having a heated discussion about pig meat and goat meat.

The time for bedding was nearing and the time for the wine was upon them. The hall has quietened down upon Ned's beckoning and servants entered the hall with jugs of wine in their hands.

Ned raised himself from his seat and cleared his throat which was already clenching, "My lords!" He said, "Today, we are here for a wedding which will affect all our lives. The North promised many things in the past but none was fulfilled."

Approving sounds came from the Northern lords as they nodded their head.

"The pacts were broken and the loyalties were ignored." Ned looked at Stannis, "However, this man is different. You all know him as a dutiful and loyal lord but I know him as a man who will allow us to bring North to greater heights!!"

Cheering sounds rose amongst all the lords except some Riverlander lords.

"The union of House Stark and House Baratheon will bring peace and prosperity to the kingdoms." Ned beckoned with his hands as the servants began pouring wine to each lord. "And all of this will be thanks to the North, Riverlands and Stormlands!!"

Ned raised his wine-filled cup to the air and yelled, "North, Riverlands, Stormlands!!"

All the lord and ladies echoed his words and raised their cups to the air, even Stannis, a man who would never ever drink alcohol, was raising his cup to the air with a slight smile on his face.

As Ned drank his white wine, the others drank their red wine. A silence befell the great hall and the only thing that could be heard was the gulping sounds. The cups were emptied and they were set down onto the tables.

Ned looked at his son who was drinking the wine hungrily out of the stress and then he saw his wife, sipping it with elegance. Suddenly, a sad tune rang in the air as the first words were uttered.

And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?

As the tune spread throughout the hall, some people began holding their throats with confusion on their faces. Some began clawing at their throat and some tried to drink something to clean their throat.

Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know.

Ned looked at his son whose eyes only held fear in them with hands on his throat trying to draw an ounce of breath. Then, his eyes drifted to his wife whose eyes already turned back to her skull and bloody fingernails fell to the sides.

In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws,

Ned threw himself to his chair and looked at the lords whose loyalty cannot be questioned but still dying with clenching throats. He turned his eyes back to his son who held his love so deeply to him but was still dying before him.

And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.

A single tear fell from his eyes. His eyes drifted to the cup which still had one last drop in it. One drop was enough to drown all his sorrow.

And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere,

His hands extended to the cup as he began sobbing amidst his tears. One drop was enough to make him forget.

But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear.

He looked at the cup which held the sweetest sleep he will ever wish for. One drop was enough to end his sufferings.

Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear.

As Ned drank the last drop, he fell to the sweetest sleep which drowned all his sorrow, made him forget and ended his sufferings...
