
The end of the road?...Maybe

In Tokyo,the holyland of the otaku,lived a pretty normal teenager.He didn't have any redeeming qualities,though he was really kind.His parents died when he was young,and he has been living with his uncle's family.He wasn't mistreated or anything,he was ignored,just ignored.

Well here goes the story.On one day,in the evening,he was walking in the park.There he saw a girl being dragged by two tattooed strong-builded men.Being the kindhearted fool he was,our hero rushed to help her.Unfortunately,they were stronger,and pretty vicious with their blows.He was beaten to an unconscious state.After this his memory grew fuzzy,as his vision.

Waking up,what he saw was a blinding light.It induced a holy feeling.He started feeling healed and peaceful.There he saw a silhouette of a old man with white beard and profound gaze.

'Hello there son' said an old man.

'Umm who you are?'

'I am who you could call God'

'What?!T-then have I died?'

'Unfortunately that how it is.Well don't worry though,you saved that girl.You should be proud!'

'Well,at least my life had a meaning.And, what will it be next?Heaven or hell?'

'You can choose to either be in heaven or to get reincarnated.Your choice.'

'Hmmm~I would like to reincarnate!'

'Very well boy.I will give you a wish for the saved girl,no let's make it two 'cause she beared a healthy boy so you technically saved 2 lives.Choose wisely.'

'Hmm can I choose the world where I reincarnate?'

'No you cannot,I will find a spot where your soul won't disrupt the laws.Though it might be any world,I think that I will try to find a fantasy one.You might even know it from the manga and novels.'

'I will choose the wishes then.For the first one I want a body and soul cultivation technique which could help me to become the strongest.Is it ok ?'

'Hmm,there are many types from holy,draconic,elemental to demonic.Which kind would you like ?'

'I want the one which will help me control every element,such as void,space and time.'

'Wow,a greedy one,though for such benefits you would need double work.Well not a big problem.I have something which will suit your needs.And what's the next wish?'

'I want to have an enhanced perception and comprehension '

'I can give you an item similar to that talisman of Li Fuchen from the novel you liked for the perception and a comprehension pack for a gift from me.With the first wish you will have a tought road.If you will succeed just don't forget the old me.'

'Thank you very much!'

'Well,off you go my boy!Have a fun journey!I will watch you from time to time!'

Like this,the teen was pulled into a portal to an unknown direction....
