

The walls of the room were simply cream, there is no decoration on the wall, curtain that can separate her bed from the two others in here. The disinfection smell of blench affected her sinuses. At the far end are windows in rusty metal frames. Not a single person came to visit her, bring flowers, cards or home brought food.

She opened her eyes as she takes in all this. She recalls what just happened to her. Lifting her hand to look at her wrist. There is no cut shown. Smooth, soft but she could feel the coldness it emits. She stares at her hands. It was hands of a young girl, free from scars.

"OMG." She remembers clearly what day it was. As she had been in this room before. It was when she came back from school and found her mother bled out on the ground. She screamed and fainted. She was taken to hospital and was in coma for a week.

After waking up, the nurse called her dad. But he did not come to pick her up but her personal chauffeur came to pick her up.

"what the fuck is going on, did I go back in time… OMG I am ten-year-old… I time travel back in the past… no I was reborn. This is my second life… "as she talks to herself.

An evil smile displayed on her face.

The nurse walked in just as she suspected and call the doctor. An old white hair doctor came and observer her. Asking question like what her name is, which day it was and if she remembers what happened. She answers them smoothly and doctor told the nurse to inform her family that their daughter is ready to be discharge.

After two hours later. A young man about 25-year-old came into her room.

"my princess you are awake" she heard the voice of her chauffeur. His hair was unkempt, his uniform was so dirt, and he was smelling urine like and sweat mixed in it.

In her earlier life, she never pays attention to all this, as she was clouded with grief. But now, looking at him she wonders what happened to him while she was in coma.

"Big brother Han why do you look like that?" she asked in baby like voice.

He looked down, think whether he should tell her or not. After some time, she heard him saying

"My princess, you dad put me in prison for bringing you home early and witness the body of your mother. And he just came this morning to police station for me to pick you up as he had business meeting to attend and no one in Lu family or staff was willing to come to pick you up."

"Mmh " is all he heard from her. He looked at his princess. He loves this girl like his own little sister. He felt sorry that he is powerless.

Now to think about it, she remembers back in her life, her stepmother, arrested him claim that he was trying to rape her stepsister and he try to tell her that he never did it. But Lu Ning did not believe him and Five years later he died while in prisoners.

She felt sad that she could not safe him nor believed in him. But in this life, she will protect him.

After getting ready, she went to billing office and paid her hospital bill and they left.

Inside the car, Han asked her if she would like to go home first or go to park to clear her mind before going back.

"No, go to this address" she gives him an address.

He drove after half an hour he parked in front of a tall building with log NL displayed.

He wanted to follow her, but she stopped him. "Big brother Han, use the remain money to go buy cloth and come pick me up later. Oh, do not tell my father I came here. Understand?" her last words were said in cold commanding voice that scared Han. He just node his head and left quickly.

As she took deep breath in and walked inside the building her head held up high with pride.
