
Chapter 314: Birth Certificate-II

Truthfully when Xiao Yun came to a conclusion that the blue gem was the clue that Andy had given to her, she had went to meet Liu Yan Hui hurriedly. She knew in fact that there was something different surrounding the man. But as he declared to her whatever that was surrounding him, she didn't ask as it wasn't save for her to do so.

Before she went back after her conversation with Liu Yan Hui a sudden thought came to her. And that was the possibility for Liu Yan Hui to locate Andy. Liu Yan Hui looked unwilling but reluctantly he seemed to be able in lending her a hand which she appreciated.

"How would he able to do that?" asked Wang Li Lei.

"He said he need things that belongs to Andy either clothes or possession that he often wore or substances that belong to him."

wang Li Lei gave a thought, "That would be hard, Andy doesn't have home if I remember."
