
The Introduction Day.

Morning arrived to show a bright and clear day, The sound of the school kitchen is in full swing as trey after trey of snacks and pastries are prepared for the event. As the hours went by, the excitement had calmed down majorly as most of the future students were still asleep, sets of stalls advertise different classes and the curriculum they off as well as clubs that are present on campus. The massive number of stalls present was run by upperclassmen of said clubs or classes. It was at this time when surprisingly drowsy Chelsea Stewart stumbles from her dorm room, she had poor sleep the day before because she had procrastinated looking into classes until the day before Introduction day and this had come back to bite her in the form of a late-night study session over the many different classes and clubs offered at the Arorus Mage Academy. She stumbled out of her room and towards the shared washroom, her dormmate had been out for the past few days and she had grown accustomed to his absence, so she had forgotten to knock on the door of the washroom when she opened the washroom door, nor did she notice the set of clothes in a basket next to the baths. She only became aware of the situation when she slid the bath door open to turn on the hot water and saw a very naked and very red Jez Terask staring back at her. At this point, the calm and peaceful morning was shattered by two screams, both very loud, neither was manly.

After this peace shattering incident, Jez quickly stumbled back to his room and got ready for the day, he would have to find time today to explain to Chelsea what had happened this morning, something he very much didn't look forward too. He ran through different scenarios in his head as he slowly put on his uniform before deciding on trying to talk to her before breakfast, the sooner he cleared up this mess the better. He carefully undid a box that had come with his uniform, inside was fifteen empty vials and a badge engraved with a crest depicting an ingot engulfed by flames with the words Aurorus Mage Academy above and the words Jez T bellow. Jez placed the vials into their holders and pinned the badge on the right breast of his jacket, as he continued to set up his uniform, a knocking noise came from the front door. Jez quickly walked over to it and pulled it open to see Chelsea standing in the doorway, she quickly commented "I would like to apologize for this morning, I had become more used to you being out in the past 5 days and didn't expect you to be in yet.", before quickly sprinting away before Jez was capable of offering a response. He eventually closed the door and got back to finishing the tasks of getting dressed.

Once Jez had finished getting dressed. He walked to the canteen to pick up breakfast, the canteen was crowded at this point as students had gotten up and were gathering to talk before the events of the day. Since the only person he was acquainted with was unhappy with him, he chose to quickly grab a peice of bread and left the canteen. The academy court yard was packed with tents and tables going over the offered courses. Jez thought about the subjects he wanted to learn, alchemy, mechanics, and smithing. He easily found the classes he had wanted and quickly signed up for it. He had thought about taking a history or politics, but decided that it would be better to put that on the back burner. He wanted to get the craft courses done first so he could use the facilities as soon as possible while still saving some free time to get a job. Classes would start next week, giving the students enough time to gather the required resources. His current class lineup was Basic mana application, Tinkering and mechanics, Alchemics, and smithing. Basic Mana Application was a required course. He had a hefty list of supplies to get before classes including, a pill furnace, a draft cauldron, and a mana fire regulator for Alchemics, jewelers calipers, micrometer set, and a persicion center punch for Tinkering and Mechanics, a crescent blade, resin mallet, blacksmith's hammer, hot-cut set, and a leather work needle for Smithing, the culmination of all these items would cost the rest of his money. He would need to get a job soon.

It took me a while to get back to writing so I apologize for the lateness. hope you enjoyed.

gunsablazing2creators' thoughts