
Ch. 58: Weemason Kingdom


No it wouldn't be worth it.

I might gain peace, but what about all the people I killed? Like Iren said earlier, I should live with purpose so that their life can be honored. If I were to choose this path, I would never get justice for my people, never give the ones who died under my leadership a sense of honor, never get to truly live. Hardships define a person . . . It gives them a sense of meaning. Why would I give that up so selfishly? Just to give up my own feeling of guilt?

An overwhelming clarity enveloped my mind and soul. I had been struggling so long with this gnawing burden, I didn't see that I was the one guilting myself. Battles had to be conducted and death was inevitable. If not by my command, or my blade, death would still come. I could give a reason, a purpose, to those that have fallen. If I were to end this now, there would be no justice gained.

I looked up at the Queen and shook my head, "No. I thank you for your offer, but I cannot accept your way of life. I have too much unfinished business to attend to."

The Queen gave me a knowing smile, "Well said.The offer will still stand if you happen to change your mind."

I gave a nod of understanding. Richie and Iren quickly grabbed my arms and pulled me away lest I changed my mind.

Rodair followed behind as we made our way back to camp early. When we got back to the tent, Rodair and I found ourselves alone for a moment and he said, "Lady Ezran seems to have a clearer mindset. Did m'lady come to an understanding within herself?"

I smiled up at Rodair, "Yes I did."

Rodair's big toothy grin replied back, "Good. Rodair was worried m'lady would continue to wallow in self-grief and confusion. Rodair's glad that m'lady has given justification to the struggles m'lady has endured."

I nodded, "Me too."

We camped outside the glass walls that night. It was the first time since I became Champion that I slept well; calmness stayed with me as I dreamt of peace.

The following day we headed off toward a kingdom called Weemason. It was said the people, called Masons, inhabiting the land were very secretive, rich and tiny. It took an entire month to arrive at their fortress, and that's when I understood why they're considered so secretive . . . Their fortress was not only extremely difficult to locate within a mass of forest, but it was also impenetrable.

Our army was encamped outside their walls just at the edge of the forested area. The fortress itself was circular, located right in the middle of the large expanse of woods. Surrounding the walls was a huge mote filled with dangerous looking creatures and small flying lizard type things skimming the water's surface. The only entrance that we could see was a large wooden drawbridge behind an iron gate.

There's no way we were getting in by force unless we crossed the mote on foot and I'd prefer a more tactful way. Therefore, after our army was settled in for what looked to be a stormy evening, I sent out Viktor to ask for an audience with the Weemason King. I was sure that since we were right by their fortress they would expect an audience (or attack) quickly but I also knew an audience was a long shot; it was said the Weemason kingdom never allowed outsiders within their walls and very rarely dealt with anyone who had the audacity to enter their land. The kingdom tended to seek alliances on their own, outside their own territory in order to do trade, so coming here was kind of risque. But heck - it was only Viktor.

Surprisingly our offer of negotiation worked; the city lowered the iron gates and drawbridge to allow their own (tiny) messenger to speak with Viktor. Within minutes, Viktor was on his way back to our camp with a smug smile. One point for Viktor I guess.

"It seems that the King has heard of the renowned Lady Ezran and wishes to speak with her personally within the palace walls."

"That's excellent! Wow, who'd have thought that Ezzie would be the one to let us enter the Weemason fortress! No one's got to do that. Isn't this exciting?" Iren gave a toothy grin.

I nodded my head calmly, "I suppose our party could speak with them -"

Viktor cut me off with a lowered head, "I apologize, but the King wishes to speak with you alone."

Narrowing my eyes I looked over at Kovin with concern and noticed his expression reflected my own. Why would they want me to enter the fortress alone?

Kovin remained quiet for a moment then ordered Viktor, "Go tell their messenger that a few of the advisors will need to accompany her. Let them know that we're honored for their recognition, but we're here to speak of alliances. If they're willing to allow her to enter, surely they can spare a few moments for us to speak in favor of negotiations."

Viktor respectfully bowed to Kovin and set off again. Within a few minutes, their own messenger went within the walls and shortly returned. After receiving a reply, Vikor made his way back to us.

"They have agreed with the exception that only two persons can accompany Lady Ezran. Their messenger states they're very weary of outsiders and do not wish for a large company. Those who are permitted to negotiate terms will be allowed."

"Rodair will accompany m'lady." A boisterous voice sounded.

I looked up at him and sadly shook my head, "I appreciate your concern Rodair, but you can't negotiate terms."

"Besides, they'll take one look at your huge size and close the doors like that." Richie snapped his fingers for emphasis. I noticed Illana remaining quiet as she shyly looked up at Rodair's big form and nodded in agreeance.

"I'll go!" Iren volunteered, "I'm the next Champion and it'll be my duty to negotiate throughout the campaign. Since we couldn't really negotiate with Geodofa, this could be my first real attempt so I've gotta go!"

Kovin nodded his approval, "I'll accompany as well. Something's not right . . . I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'd like to find out what it is."

Toval harrumphed, "Well you guys got this I guess. I'll stay here and man the army till you all get back. Don't do anything stupid though."

Since we were all in agreement, we decided that should anything happen, the army needed to stand at the ready. If needed, one of us three would give a signal and lower the gates on the inside so Toval could lead the forces and wipe out the threat.

Before heading into the fortress, I prepared myself in the tent with Richie's help. We got all my small weapons prepared and I even wore a flattering black and gold dress with a flowing cape since we were meeting royalty.

"By the way luv, I made you some new boots. Try em out." Richie placed a pair of black leather boots at my feet. From all appearances, they looked like your average boot; not too flashy yet not too plain. I gave him a skeptical look but put them on.

"Thanks I guess. What's wrong with my old ones?" I asked.

"Oooo girl, besides the fact that they stink to high heaven, these here have a few things that the old ones didn't. Click the side of the heel." Richie smiled evilly.

A little miffed at his obvious insult, I still complied and twisted my ankle while clicking the side. With a sharp swoosh, a small blade popped out the back boot heel.

"Whoa. That could put an eye out . . . You come up with the most amazing things Rich." I breathed.

Richie grinned sheepishly, "Aww, I do what I can. Now come on girl - You don't wanna keep those wee people waiting."
