
Devil vs Dovah

Demon's...a low class demon's that are basically like animal's they are violent and brutal the only thing that matter's to them was kill and destroy and the only emotion they knew was Anger a never ending anger this is all what they are, this is all they ever were but today...today they were scared

it all started with a deep and dominant Voice that sounded like thunder and million's of Demon's heard it even the one's that were miles away from the battle and after a while when the echo of the voice was dying out an Aura that was so Dark and Disgusting was released that even this world that was made of Pure evil started to shake in fear

---Rose POV---

there was something seriously wrong with Rose right now! she was grinning from ear to ear and her whole body was shaking but not from fear...it was excitement and not a normal excitement that a battle junkie would get...it was the thrill of a battle to the death she wanted to get cut, crushed and many other thing's while at the same time she wished to do this to her enemy

her Devil aura carried her emotion's letting everyone around her feel what her feeling's were it was chaotic, destructive and Dark

The Dovah right in front of her looked with...and i dont think i would ever see it in a Dovah...but he looked at Rose with fear! he was totally terrified of her! and believe me when i tell you that i know how he feel's i was scared sh*tless too

But even if scared to death a Dovah would fight until the end, these dragon's were to damn proud to run away from their enemy's even if it meant death for them

Dovah: Qo! Thul! Suleyk! (translation: Lightning! Thunder! Power!)

(a/n: i will not write the thu'um with caps lock anymore it's annoying)

the shout was the same that he used earlier but he replaced the last word with "Suleyk" which mean's "power" and the effect was one BIG lightning attack instead of thousand normal ones

Rose instead of dogging did the stupid thing and used the [thunder breathing technique fourth form: distant thunder] and clashed her lightning with the one that was created with the Thu'um and she was loosing badly as the lightning created with the Thu'um pushed back her's

BUT! something happened! her {hell magic core} started to transfer the Magic to her lightning that started to change becoming more violent and aggressive! oh and of course more powerful the color of the lightning also changed it become as crimson as the glowing crimson hair of Rose [Devil mode]

Both attack were now in a Stalemate and they both were fighting for dominance and the shock wave of them clashing ripped out the trees out of the ground and let an enormous amount of dust go into air

ultimately neither of the attack won and a explosion in the place of place of collision between them took place pushing both Rose and the Dovah away

the Dovah recovered fast and he used his wing's to flew high in the air. he just started to go higher and higher which gave me a bad feeling...he was preparing an attack and whatever it was he clearly didnt want to be anywhere near when he will launch it

Rose took a little more time to collect herself and when she got up the Dovah was already high in the Air and out of her reach. her face now showed Anger she allowed him to get away and she was angry at herself for letting him and at him for doing so

the Dragonbone Greatsword was now shattered...it was a good sword but it wasnt's durable enough to withstand the might of the fourth form of the Thunder breathing technique boosted with her magical energy it simply exploded into million pieces after the attack ended

Rose looked at the Dovah and her hand's were suddenly surrounded by fire that started to take the form of dragon head's. this was the magic spell from the "wizard of legend's" that she got when she first used the lottery system and used it only once trying to scare the Old guy that property she stole but i dont remember her firing the spell this is the first time she would use it

but the appearance of the dragon head's looked different then the last time for first the flames just like the lightning were now crimson red and more violent & chaotic the image of the dragon head's now was more...savage? yes savage is the correct word to describe them

Dovah: Fus! (translation: force)

Rose heard the Dovah voice and decided to fire the spell and 10 dragon head's were shoot from each of her arm's, they were fast in just a second they were already half way to the Dovah

Dovah: Thurot! (translation: absolute)

right after he said the second word all of the fire dragon heads reached him and hit him creating a giant explosion in the process. the attack was mighty and it managed to knock the Dovah out of the sky but before he could reach earth he managed to finish his shout and direct it at Rose

Dovah: Suleyk! (Translation: Power!)

the Thu'um was basically the classic "Fus! Ro! Dah!"(translation: force! balance! push!) and the only thing it does is launching your enemy's with a mighty push in the form of a blue energy wave and the Thu'um that the Dovah used was the same except on a larger scale and even if it started small it slowly become bigger and bigger cowering the sky

Rose: *whispering* fus...


a bunch of memories were appearing in Rose head the sight of cloud's bellow her as she was flying trough the sky, the sight of a dragon priest bowing to her, the sight of puny mortal's being massacred by her...all of this was not her memories obviosly but she didnt had the time to think about this as the mighty shout was approaching her closer and closer by each second

Rose: Fus...


Rose: Fus! Ro! Dah! (i already translated that one earlier)


HOW!? HOW IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY F*CK DID SHE DID THAT!? the Thu'um was not something that you can do on the first try! it takes year's of meditation on a single word for someone to be able to use it in a shout! not to mention that trough the fight the Dovah not even once used this and she didnt play skyrim yet so how the f*ck does she know this shout!?!

the Thu'um that Rose used was fired at the one that the Dragon fired and they both clashed with each other

Rose Thu'um was barely a joke compared to the one used by the Dovah but it managed to weak it slightly before it was overpowered and disappeared, consumed by the one that was fired by the Dovah

Just as the Dovah hit the ground the Thu'um hit Rose knocking her out of the [devil mode] and send her flying miles away, her bones would have break if not the fact that they were made of adamantium but even still the attack caused some major damage her organ's crushed, muscles ripped apart not only this but the effect of her Using the Thu'um for the first time also kicked in her head was dizzy and hey eyesight was disrupted she was on the verge of fainting from exhaustion

<NO! nononononono! stay awake! drink a potion of Life! hurry!>

She...tried to do what i said but the only thing that she managed to do was summoning the potion to her hand from her inventory but she didnt have the strength to even open the potion! this is bad! this is very bad! think think! wait! of course!

<Rose! you still have some crimtane bars right? make a armor out of them! hurry!>

i had to tell her that a couple more times since she could barely understand me in the state she is right now. she didnt had to use arm's to use the inventory just thinking about what you want to do was enough but in the process of making the armor she stopped a couple of times drifting into sleep and i knew that if she did go sleep she would not wake up

finnaly she managed to made the armor and equip it on herself with the help of the inventory. the crimson armor had a special effect! when someone would wear the whole set it would give a small regeneration ability it was not much but the plan was to wait until the armor would heal her enough to open the potion and drink it

i dont know how much time passed...an hour? maybe two and when the time was passing i talked to Rose about anything that i could think of not allowing her to fall asleep

she of course was not responding to me she just listened to me talking but i doubt she understood anything that i said for her it was probably some weird sound's that were similar to word's

i talked about everything! EVERYTHING! event the weather! i talked about the weather for f*ck sake!

after some more time i tried to tell Rose to use the potion that she took out from the inventory, it repeat myself quite a lot before she could understand what i was trying to say but thankfully she understood and managed to open the potion and drank it

the potion started working and Rose passed out when the pain of regeneration kicked in but this time i let her sleep...

< *uff* i made it...>

why did she behaved this way? it is nothing like her to get so fired up about the battle! maybe... i quickly check her status and when i saw it i made a huge sigh of relief because that berserk mode she went into was not a hidden part of her personality or something like that...but none the less it was still bad...Damnit! i told her to not be reckless with bloodlines!! ....no this is also my fault...i may warned her once but to be honest i didnt really mean it...



jeez this chapter took long to make!

okay people just a quick trailer for what's about to come! i am working on a non-canon chapter titled "Rose saves Christmas!" (original i know) anyway i will post the chapter in two day's wait until then!
