
Don't leave me alone

I thought about what he said but it was too late for everything.

I knew I didn't belong here so after lot of thinking I called my mother.

It was one of the hardest things I have ever did.

I called her and the first thing my mother asked me was -" Don't you know what time it is. it's 3 am in the n morning. why are calling us at this time. did you do something. di they found out about you?."

I could hear my inner voice laughing in my head.-" I answered her that nobody knows about me but I don't want to stay in this school. can you please transfer me to another school."

My mother mother was very angry . she scolded me for about an hour but at last she agreed that she will talk to my father about this.

when we're finished it was already 6 o'clock so Sakshi woke up and saw me standing beside the window of our room.

she asked me -" what is it? you are up early, what happened?"

I smiled and answered -" Nothing ,everything is fine. I just told my mother that I want her to transfer me to an another school and she said yes."

Sakshi was screaming -" you did what?."

I told her -" I know this seems like too much but when I'm gone you guys are finally gonna be happy. trust me everything will be all right".

Sakshi told me -" I am not even going to argue with you.if you really want to go I'm not going to talk you out of it because no matter what I say you are going to do the exact opposite so good luck with everything. but you should know one thing when you walk out of the door you will lose me for sure."

After saying this she went away to get ready for school and she left for school after a while.

I thought about what she said but i knew Sakshi will be better off without me .

I was waiting for mom's call when I felt little uneasy so I wanted to go out but thanks to our little fiasco i don't wanna be seen so I took the other route from hostel which goes to the end of the school.

At school time nobody goes to that place and also due to Arjun kind of made it his layer nobody everyone fears to go their.

Thoughts of Arjun sent a chill down my spine.

I was walking when I heard someone running behind me.

I turned and saw Arjun running towards me.

I started to walk away because I was afraid that he will find out about my intentions of leaving the school.

I was walking very first but he catched up to me and grabbed my hand and stopped me from going away.

He tried very hard to not show any emotions but his eyes gave away his secrets.

His eyes were red with a lot of anger and pain in it.

I couldn't control myself and asked him -" why are you here? why can't you just let me be? let me go ?."

He answered -" I can't. I can't let you go. if you go there will be no reason for my existence."
