
A Temporary Alliance

Ivy and Carson were in the middle of doing homework together in the library over a month later when Adrian finally approached her again. She had complete radio silence from him since the day he last texted her asking about her powers and what changed.

The fact that Carson knew she was cheating off of time didn't faze him enough to stop those lunchtime homework sessions. The only thing that changed was him asking for help coming up with ideas for AP Lit analysis and with his AP Spanish homework.

He knew she was more fluent than he was so he considered this a somewhat fair trade. Ivy was amazed he took this all in stride but she wasn't complaining. She hadn't lost her easy way to get homework done after all.

She had a suspicion he continued to allow it without getting angry because of how hard a time she was having adjusting to her radius change. She looked perpetually ill at this point even with her migraine medication.
