

"When do you think she will wake up?" Hope was lying flat beside Lilac while Raine was sitting on the sofa beside the bed.

With Torak's unwavering persistence, finally he managed to drag Jedrek out of the room.

When Torak kept pestering Jedrek, they thought there would be a battle between the brothers, but fortunately aside from growling and snarling, they did not do any real harm to each other. Only the moment Jedrek stepped out of the room and followed Torak, could they sigh in relief.

Now only the three guardian angels were inside the room, while Calleb stayed just behind the door. Jedrek would never let any man to enter the room other than his brothers, no matter what, therefore the Gamma stood grumpily outside the bedroom.

"I don't know," Raine tilted her head and looked at Lilac's sleeping face. "It took days for me to recover."
