

Hope was very upset. Despite of being upset, she enjoyed the look that was given by Norah, Oliver and the rest of the people, who watched this. There was a feeling of satisfaction that she felt.

Norah immediately spat the chicken leg and rubbed her mouth with her sleeves harshly, "Hope!" and screamed exasperatedly.

Behind the girl, Oliver glared at Hope because of what she had done to his new girl, his chest rose and fell, filled with anger. And yet Hope didn't care at all of how he felt about it.

"You can't do that to her!" Oliver pulled Norah behind his back, attempting to protect her from Hope. But that attempt only made Hope laughed. How ridiculous.

"Why can't I? I just did." Hope shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly.

"If you're angry…" Oliver wanted to act heroic in front of everyone and showed them how wicked Hope was. He ended up being cut off icily and not being able to finish his words.
