
Welcome to the Mortal World

Alucard awoke with a very painful headache. He clutched his head hoping that it would relieve the pain. Good thing that after a few minutes it went away.

He sat up as he slowly opened his eyes due to the very bright light.

"Where am I?" he asked himself while his eyes scanned his surroundings. There were a lot of tall trees, a lake, and not far away from him are his friends. He got up and went to them to wake them up.

"Hey. Hey. Guys wake up" he said while shaking his friends shoulders.

"Ughh" Harith groaned as he sat up while rubbing his eyes. It didn't take long until Nana and Ruby followed.

"Alucard? What are you doing in my room? And why is it so bright?" Harith asked. "Is it morning already?"

"Obviously" Nana replied sarcasticly.

"But seriously though, what are you doing in my room? And why is Harith here too?" she asked. Still not opening her eyes.

"I suggest you three open your eyes" Alucard said.

The three opened their eyes but immediately closed them because of the sudden brightness. It took them a few minutes for their eyes to adjust.

"Where are we?" Ruby asked as she roamed her eyes around her surroundings. "And this isn't my room."

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was when I jumped inside a portal and then poof! Here we are in a place we don't know" Harith butted in as he was looking around. "Come on. We need to find a way to go back to our world."

They all stood up and went towards the river.

"Ohhh. I wonder if Kadita's here" Nana said while looking at the slightly deep and calm water of the lake.

"Kadita! Kadita! Are you down there?!" she yelled while waving her hands above the water.

After a few minutes of all her efforts in vain, she finally gave up as no one gave her an answer.

"Let's follow the flow of the water. Maybe we can find someone or even a town" Harith suggested. He may be the second youngest next to Nana but he was the second wisest compared to Ruby.

They all agreed with Harith's suggestion and followed the flow of the water.

A few hours later, they were walking happily, merrily, excitedly, and a lot of chatting.

A few more hours later, still walking less happily, less merrily, less excitedly, and less chatting.

Add a few more hours they were still walking. No happiness, no merriness, no excitement, no chatting, no nothing. Just plain walking.
