
The pillar that pierces the heavens

A pillar of light envelopes Yue Yang and at the same time a voice resounds in his head.

The voice is monotonous

"Grimoire contracted.Necessary system evolution.WARNING.The rewriting of one's soul may cause the User to faint.in order to avoid unnecessary damage to the vessel it may be necessary to force the shutdown of the User's consciousness.Please wait for a moment...Evolution complete.System reboot.. Welcome to Gacha System v.1.0"

The boy freezes for five seconds.then he exclaims "Oh,so pretty!"

'Screw you system!Let me admire my awesomeness!' while thinking something like that the boy looks at his adopted mother with an expecting look.At that moment he appears no different from a boy who wishes to be praised after having done a good thing but contrary to his expectations the woman's gaze is frozen and she appears to be in deep thought

'With a light pillar this high let alone High stone city,they may be able to see it even from the entirety of the Da Xia kingdom and I am sure that those who come are probably ill intentioned so what should I do? I hope this pillar dies out quickly' As she thinks such naive things the entire kingdom is in turmoil

---White Stone City,at the assassin's guild---

an old man sits on a chair and as he sips a misterious drink he calmly observes the pillar and murmurs "twenty,no thirty minutes and I could very much reach the origin of the pillar.well for now I guess I should take out the guys that are heading to kill him,I will have him repay the favour when he is strong enough"

---White Stone City,at the market district---

A man wearing butler clothing and an aggressive young lady are discussing when suddenly the man looks up and speaks

to the lady "young miss It appears that at the Yue residence something amazing may have happened, would you like to notify the master?"to such statement the lady replies

"it is not necessary isn't it?I believe esteemed father can see it from wherever he is"

---Da Xia kingdom,royal castle, throne room---

a man stands on the throne in an imposing manner and he looks at the pillar,from his expression he seems to be pondering when a quick pitter patter resounds in the hall and as he turns towards its origin a young girl enters the room and heads towards him

"father,father!have you seen the pillar? it's so pretty and it's similar to the ones that appears when one contracts a grimoire but it's bigger even than my own"when he hears that,the man gently smiles as if to say that the previous imposing manner was merely a mask he then sighs

"little Xue,you see,although that pillar is pretty but it's fragile, it's not polished yet and it's vulnerable, like the most delicate of flowers so it is our role as the royal family to polish it,in fact you should consider it as the most valuable of our treasures"

In front of the gazes of all the citizens of the kingdom the pillar slowly disappears into nothingness

let me know your thoughts regarding the chapter and any ideas towards who the first summoned heroine should be

(I am thinking about Tashigi from One piece or Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

if you suggest a heroine make sure she is a sword user and she is not too strong for example Shiki from Kara no kyokai considering that she can literally kill anything

Yuto_mastercreators' thoughts