
Chapter 12: Monday Afternoon Part Two

Last time, Charlotte sent up a date for me and Destin to go out with each other. Also, the man I met a few minutes ago. He seemed like he knew me.

Were here. Destin replied. As soon as he opened the door a young man greeted us. Welcome to our lovely bakery/café! Yanis replied. Oh, it's just you. Yanis replied. Nice hospitality. Destin replied. Don't be rude to our customers. Julie replied. Yanis rushed over to me. Who is this lovely flower you brought with you? Yanis asked. Thank you, my name is Gabriela Pereira. I replied. Beautiful as your name. Yanis replied. No offense but you bought a girl here by yourself other than that bold sister of yours? Yanis asked. She was going to come but she bailed so I'm buying that vicious red-head some strawberry charlottes. Destin replied. You are so nice buying food for your sister. Julie replied. I really think that is really sweet of you. I replied. As the man from behind the counter looked at me. His face was flabbergasted. Is there something wrong with you sir? I asked. Young lady, you look a lot like an employee of mine from sixteen years ago. She was an Italian girl who wanted to see the world place at a time. She came from Italy to see Paris with her own two eyes. Liam replied. By the way, you are describing this girl. Must her name be Ghita Pereira? I asked. Yes, that was her name she was very diligent. She was willing to work. Liam replied. I do remember my mom told me about her adventures in Paris and how she met my dad as well. I replied. That man... Liam replied. Other than what would you like to order? Liam asked. Can I have six sugar cookies, please? I asked. A box of Strawberry Charlottes for an annoying red-head. Destin replied. You and your sister get along so well. Julie replied. Whatever. Destin replied. Oh, I will buy myself. I replied. I told you on the way here would buy for you. Destin replied. Alright, I really hate when people buy me stuff. I replied. You are your mother's child alright. She has the mentality of not being in debt to anyone. You know you two really get along. To be honest I am an only child so I have no clue how it feels. I replied. Well, she has two sisters and one brother but I can't tell her that. Destin thought. Your order is ready. Julie replied. Thank you, sir. I replied. Also, can you tell your mother, Liam said hi my little workaholic. Liam replied. I will, bye. I replied. As we were walking out the door, we walked straight back to the house. So you look like you two had a good time. Charlotte replied. So where is my stuff? Charlotte asked. Why aren't you rude as hell. Destin replied. Thank you, Destin. How does that sound? Charlotte asked. There was no sincerity behind that whole sentence just now. Destin replied. Here you go, Gabriella. Destin replied. Thank you. I replied. So I see you took my advice? Hadrien asked. Leave me along Don Juan. Destin replied. Oh my gosh, why would call him that? I asked. He has was dating two women at the same time. He broke it off with one of them. Not knowing he had a child with one of them. Destin replied. As my mom always says. When a guy cheats on a woman and never take cares child they create. You have no right or even worth to call yourself human. I replied. Well, that is what my mom says about my dad. In another interpretation, it means you reap what you so. I replied. Your mom seems a little dark. Destin replied. She can be at times but she means well. I replied. Well, I really should get going before my mom gets worried. I replied. As soon as I walked to the driveway, my mom appeared. You know I told you. The man that looked at me. Ghita? Hadrien replied. As my mom looked at him, I saw an intense glare she gave him. I can tell my mom hated. I wonder why? I thought.

Little did I know that I would find out the truth behind their relationship it would hurt me as well.
