
What? Another Hidden Door!!!

Zhan-yu stood up, angered and confused. BAM… He punched the invisible wall again.

[Swoosh… A message showed up once again.]






This went on for a while, until Zhan-yu's hunger became stronger than his ego. "Humph! Whatever. I don't even want to go that way." He ran the other way, where he saw a rabbit running.

"What should I do? If this keeps happening, I don't think I will be able to eat breakfast." You could hear the hopelessness in his voice. It's as if he had already given up. Then suddenly, Zhan-yu looked to the sky and then to the ground. A sudden gust of wind came and the leaves on the ground were blown away.

Zhan-yu looked up and the wind hit his face, which made his hair fly. At that moment, you could tell that Zhan-yu really was a prince. He looked like a perfect sculpture. A light bulb turned on inside Zhan-yu's brain. "I have an idea. I might get to eat breakfast today."

To make Zhan-yu's plan work, he needed some stuff. To get things ready, he ran back to his wooden house and started collecting as many rocks as he could. Right after that, he went inside and found as much string as he could.

Clang, clang. He started hitting the rocks that he had found against each other, until all the rocks became sharp.

"Ok. Now that all the rocks are done, all I need are some branches." Sigh… A breath of sadness and frustration came out from Zhan-yu. But he wasn't a prince anymore. No one would come to help him. He knew he had to do everything himself.

He jumped onto the tree and got some branches of different shapes. The only similarity between them was that they were all thick.

"I'm lucky that, when I was in the kingdom, I loved reading old medieval books. There were ways in which people back in the day survived."

Kush, Kush, Kush… Zhan-yu sharpened the smaller branches, then with a string, he tied them all together along with a bigger branch, which he used as a handle.

*If I had to compare it to what it looked like, it would be a shovel.*

"Ha… Done. Now just one more step, and I will be able to eat breakfast every day." He looked back at the forest and ran toward the place where he usually found a lot of rabbits, and started to dig. Once the hole was big enough, he gathered some sticks and arranged them on top of the big hole he had made. To hide the hole from the rabbits, he gathered a bunch of leaves and spread them on top of the twigs so that the hole wouldn't be visible.

"All done. Now all I have to do is wait." He ran back toward his house to get the fire ready. He had already collected dry wood and some leaves. He struck the rocks together — clang, clang — and sparks fell on the leaves and the fire was ready. Zhan-yu hurriedly ran toward the forest, and what he saw amazed him. A rabbit was inside the hole he had made. He grabbed it and prepared the trap once again before going home.

"Took me a while, but from now on, all I have to focus on is training and getting stronger." He cooked his rabbit on top of the fire and finished it in a second. Goes to show how hungry he was.

"Oh! Wait, why was I even using rocks to create fire? I can make fire with my hands." He hit his head lightly with his hand while tilting his head left and right. "WOW! I was so hungry that I even forgot my element."

After finishing his breakfast, he went back inside the house. "I haven't been able to check this place thoroughly," he said. "There has to be something in here which can give me an idea on where I am."

Zhan-yu started looking around. "I'm looking around, but will I really find anything in this small house?" But he didn't stop searching. He looked at every corner, at every single place in the house. But the results after looking around were the same.

"Nothing here…"

"Nothing here…"

"Nothing here…"

"Nothing here…"

"Nothing here…"

"Not here either…"

While he was contemplating on where he could find some clues, another light bulb went on inside his head. "Maybe there. It has to be. I'm 99% certain of it." He moved a small, rusted, almost broken bed. Zhan-yu hadn't been sleeping on it because he was certain it would break even by just sitting on it. After moving the bed, the place suddenly got cold, and what Zhan-yu saw surprised him to the point where it started to creep him out.

Zhan-yu's mouth got dry. It was as if he was scared. Zhan-yu stuttered, "A-g-g-gain this w-word." He felt uneasy. "What exactly does 'בַּעַל אוֹב' mean?" Zhan-yu started to cough because of his dry mouth. After his meal, he hadn't drunk any water. He ran to the waterfall and drank the water. After drinking, he gasped for some air.

"Oh! I thought I was going to die. Why couldn't I breathe?" He kept on trying to breathe. He put his right hand behind his neck and tried to calm himself down. "What was that uneasy, chilly, dark feeling…" While his breathing had become calm again, he was still uncertain of whether he should go inside again. But he wanted to find out what was inside his house. He decided to take some magical water with him inside. He found a big leaf lying around and filled it up with water and started heading inside.

He was walking carefully as if his feet had become very heavy. With every step, he would look left and right with an unpleasant feeling of paranoia. "Is someone watching me?" But he didn't stop walking, and after a couple of big strides, he made it inside.

He had had trouble breathing before, but now he was doing fine. "Is it because of the water? What a mysterious place this is." He knelt down to see the marking in the floor up close, and he touched it, thinking, "Maybe it's the same as how I got inside that tunnel." Just then something hit his hand, and the letters 'בַּעַל אוֹב' started turning red with Zhan-yu's blood, just like it had happened in the human kingdom. To stop the bleeding, Zhan-yu hurriedly drank the water he had brought with him, and in a matter of seconds, his bleeding stopped. Clank, clank, clank, thud — an open door appeared where 'בַּעַל אוֹב' had been written.

Zhan-yu entered through the door and found a ladder. He used the ladder to go down. It was dark everywhere, and he had to use all of his senses to figure out where he should put his legs and hands.

Thak… Zhan-yu's foot hit something. "I guess this is the ground." He put both feet on the ground. He moved his hands around and felt something that he thought he would never get to feel again. It was a switch.

Tick… He flicked the switch and all the lights turned on.

Zhan-yu quickly covered his eyes with his hands, then slowly moved them away, opening his eyes one at a time. It was still a little blurry, so he rubbed both his eyes before opening them again.

Surprised, Zhan-yu was only able to say one thing, "How?"
