
A king's bitterness

It's really hard to consider them as equals, Gordon wryly smiled.

Meanwhile, Tengon quivered when he realized who was in the room. Despite how ordinary Korogin looked, there was no way he would not recognize him! Although the common soldier would never have seen the man in person, the two met a few times before during official ceremonies. Korogin could not hide his sharp and domineering aura! Nassandra tilted her head in confusion. She was promoted to the Celestial Council of Magic less than a year ago, so she had no opportunities to participate in social functions. The stark difference between the two was obvious.

"Your Majesty, I didn't realize you would be joining us," Tengon said, bowing to the man.

Nassandra jerked to attention and started panicking. To not recognize the monarch! Without a second thought, she mirrored Tengon's actions, inciting a small chuckle from General Gordon. Lord Korogin and Sir Winstin formed the slightest of smiles. The whole exchange lifted the somber atmosphere.

"Stand straight, Ten Dawns. You two are our reserve powers in the upcoming battle. We're depending on your tactical-level magic again," Korogin said warmly.

Despite his tone, Tengon inadvertently got a chill down his spine. He remembered the Golden Nightmare… and what he was forced to do. During the final siege on the provincial capital, he unleashed his large-scale destruction magic. It was his first time doing so with his previous partner. For him, it was like a debut on a grand stage. It was as if he was screaming: This is what I can do! This is Arcania! But when the walls were destroyed and the soldiers rushed in to slaughter under Korogin's commands, that shallow sense of accomplishment was shattered. Thousands of harmless citizens were killed like sheep. Now, all that remained was self-loathing bitterness. To him, Korogin was… a monster!

"We understand, Your Majesty," Nassandra replied, looking curiously at her stiff partner. "If I may ask… Why are you here, Your Majesty?"

Everyone maintained a blank expression, but each wanted to know the answer. Their eyes could not hide their curiosity. Even Sir Winstin, who stood by Korogin's side every day and night, found it baffling. However, they deemed it too inappropriate to ask. Korogin did not have to explain his actions if he chose not to. He was the temporary monarch after all! No one could force him to do anything, aside from Queen Bethnal. But who was Nassandra? She may be a Ten Dawn, but she was young. She did not understand these things. She freely expressed what she thought causing the others to shake their heads internally.

Korogin was not irritated at having been questioned. Nor was he surprised. He knew exactly what the people around him were thinking. If he was that daft in reading people, he never would have climbed the political ladder. But at the same time, he did not know what to say because he… simply wanted to return to his roots. His mind was crumbling and even he could tell… His lifespan was dwindling. His years were numbered. He would die soon!

He had come to accept this. He served as the Master of Strategy for King Harth over several decades. He commanded the military through the First Great Kingdom War. He, along with King Harth, pioneered the negotiations for peace with the Xingyuu Empire. Later, he was stunned at the Ambush of Sanguis Coast and the Teria Sea Campaign, sparking the Second Great Kingdom War. Years later came the Battle of the Millennium where King Harth was captured. Then… the rebellions culminating in the Golden Nightmare. Finally, Elizabeth was found only to be kidnapped in Port Silic. His last hopes in stabilizing the kingdom fell through his fingertips. His friend's last legacy gone like that.

Before he left Corasen those weeks ago, he had learned of Elizabeth's capture in Port Silic. He knew there was little chance for her to escape. That meant that Elizabeth was destined to die! He was filled with a sense of bitterness and helplessness. He could still remember his cousin, Lady Christina's cries of anguish, but there was nothing he could do. He played his hand and he was defeated. Without an heir to anchor the kingdom, the storms would only continue to bash at its foundations until it crumbled. And if he died on top of that… The Xingyuu Empire would need to do anything. The Alzar Kingdom would destroy itself!

The Second Great Kingdom War, the rebel forces, the shortage of food, the thinning finances, the refugee crisis, the reconstruction efforts, the traitorous nobility households, and the lack of an heir… There were as many problems as there were stars in the sky. But even a single one of them was enough to spell disaster! No one could imagine the waves of exhaustion that built up inside of him. No one could begin to fathom his level of tremendous endurance to last so long! It was only natural that his own lifeforce would fade. His once brown hair had already grown half grey. In fact, his aura and disposition were disguises to masquerade his weakening body. Not even Sir Winstin caught on.

At this point, he knew that the road to the future was here. Whether he succeeded or not in taking Yongtein would decide the fate of the Alzar Kingdom! It was one final roar of the lion before succumbing! That was what he was doing. He knew there was little difference between staying in Castle Reinhard or out here. He wanted to play his hand as well and fight on the frontlines as he once had. He wanted to personally take revenge for his friend, King Harth! These thoughts flashed through his mind at lightning speed, turning into a slightly somber expression.

"Since you two are important to us, we decided to tell you our plans for the upcoming battles ahead of time. We hope you can begin making appropriate preparations," Korogin said, deciding to not explain anything. At this point, what difference would it make? In the end, what mattered was success or failure! Even his flickering life… Nothing else mattered! He would make this a success!
