
the new world

location : New York , 2010

we could see a man with white hair and grey eyes sitting on a comfortable couch and watching TV,

"In recent news , tony stark , the billionaire weapons manufacturer has gone missing while he was returning from a weapons demonstrations-" the TV was turned off and the man sighed,

"seems like he got into trouble again!!" he sighed, the man stood up and put on a red coat and headed towards the garage where a brand new red Jaguar C-X75 was parked, he got into the seat and drove towards stark industries, once he reached the place he got off the car and headed towards the lounge where he saw a worried woman sitting on the couch and a man trying to comfort her, this was pepper potts , the Secretary of antony stark , and happy hogan , the bodyguard of tony stark, when pepper saw the man she immediately hugged him and started crying , after she calmed down she said,

"shirou, tony was kidnapped by terrorists, we have not even gotten any ransom note, i-i m worried !!" she said , the man now named as shirou turned towards happy and said,

"get rhodes on the line, i need to talk to him!!" he said,

this was none other than the counter guardian emiya, ten years ago he arrived in this world with the help of zelretch, in those ten years he wandered the world and eventually settled in New York 5 years ago , he used his tracing to create money and after bribing some officers , he was able to create an identity for himself, he was now called shirou emiya, a graduate from MIT who specialized in robotics, of course he used his structural analysis to pass his phd , after that he joined stark industries and quickly became friends with tony stark, he also grew close to pepper who now considered him a brother , he also met with rhody and became his friend ,

after talking to rhodey about tony's last known location he drove his car towards a nearby airport , there he boarded a private jet belonging to stark industries, he could vary well use all of the assets belonging to stark industries as he brought out over 40% of the shares in the company after using minor hypnoses on the board members, the remaining 60% belonged to tony himself, he obtained the money required to buy the shared by selling priceless gems which he claimed as inheritance from his family, of course all of those gems were traced , but because there was no Gaia in this world , his traced objects could remain to exist indefinitely ,

after he arrived at the place , he went into one of the changing rooms and equipped his favorite shroud of martin , he also used alteration and created a hood from the shroud which covered all of his features, he then used reinforcement and ran in the desert with full speed of mach 5 , while he was running he felt a presence flying in the air uncontrollably , it looked like a man in a suit of iron,

he slowed down and came to the crash site, he found that it was tony himself that was flying in the suit, he immediately called rhodey to pickup the unconscious tony ,

after they returned home, tony shut down his weapons manufacturing department , this displeased Obadiah Stane who had worked as acting ceo in place of stark,

"thank you shirou, without you it would have taken much longer to find him" said rhodey , pepper than hugged him and said thank you as well, while stane had also expressed his gratitude, shirou could pick up on a faint killing intent coming from him, this made shirou very cautious of him.

after shirou returned home , he sat on the couch once again,

"What do you want fury??" he suddenly said towards a dark corner of his room, there sitting in the shadows was a man with a eye patch and bald head, this was nick fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I am here to talk to you about the terrorist kidnapping of Mr. stark, do you know who was responsible for the attack??" he asked to which shirou shook his head and said

"and why do you think i would know about it??" he asked to which the director looked him in the eye and said,

"because every time you get involved in something , you always end up uncovering earth shattering secrets that even manages to terrify me , you even managed to uncover that hydra was actually hiding within shield all these years, i myself would have never thought that Alexander Pierce the man i thought of as a friend was actually an agent of hydra" he said,

after they talked for some time they bid farewell and shirou went to sleep,

some days later while everything was going normally, shirou suddenly saw two figures fighting in the streets, one was a red colored suited man, while the other looked like the suit he found tony in the desert, he used structural analysis to read them which stunned him, the red suit was being used by tony and the other was stane, he used presence concealment to follow the two onto the roof of stark industries, he watched as they fought and also saw pepper with coulson in the building ,

" pepper press the button now!!" tony screamed as he shielded his face from bullets,

"but you will die !!" she screamed ,

"Just do it!!" while cying pepper prepared to press the button but before she could all the people in the vicinity froze as a massive unknown pressure descended on them,

"CALADBOLG!!" suddenly a shout came and then without knowing from where , a gigantic hole opened up on the chest on the Iron Monger.

slowly the body fell down into the arc reactor and exploded,
