
The Second Summoning

Haruto left the villa with Elsie and Fia saying he was going out for a bit. Fia and Selianna was staying in the mansion with the former asked to go with him too since she wanted to find new equipments.

Haruto accepted and brought her along. The new summoned wouldn't appear in real world without being materialized first so he did not worry about it.

Before going he once again transform into Super Saiyan as a disguise for himself because of the recent incident. He changed his clothes with Elsie's help and was now wearing Vegito's original outfit of dark blue and orange gi. But instead of gloves in his hands, it was a pair of blue wristbands wrapped around his wrists, just like Goku.

The other girls went "Ooh" seeing his new attire along with his blonde hair and green eyes, he completely looked like a westerner rather than a japanese boy from before. Fia and Elsie blushed seeing his current appearance since they thought it was very cool. It was even more so for Elsie after he just messing with her yesterday, making her feel conscious about him being a man.

Before, she would often clung on him and stayed relax but right now she was fidgeting and maintaining a little distance from his body. Fia was in the first place always paid attention for intimate actions so she's not that much different than before, in fact she seemed kinda happier after, with her tails wagging happily.

She wouldn't dare admitted this though, it was so embarrassing after all. She acted like she didn't want Haruto to pet her ears and tail but actually just feel shy about it and not resist to the idea.

So with the thing from yesterday, he forcefully broke through the barrier of shame she put on and finally did the intimate things with him so of course she felt happy about that.

Haruto asked Fia whether she wanted to find her equipment first or not but she shook her head and told him to finish his business before her. Haruto thought that way would be wasting time so he suggested them to split up instead. Elsie would accompany Fia and searched for new equips while Haruto went to the church alone.

He didn't tell where he's going to Fia and just gave her some money she needed. She tried to decline but Haruto sternly told her they're a companion now so she shouldn't be so reserved towards each other. Fia smiled happily and accepted the money.


The church in capital was very grand and luxurious. It was a pure white building made from some kind of stone with some crystals embedded as ornaments. It looked very beautiful and Haruto gazed on it savoring the view for awhile.

He moved forward and entered the church. The chapel was massive and the place was so crowded. Eisha(?)'s statue was there standing proudly, in a loli form of course.

He was amazed seeing numerous people gathering around the statue to kneel and pray. It was as if seeing a nostalgic thing of otaku kneeling in front of a poster of lolis at the train station back in Japan.

His face was convulsing and decided to ignore them along with the fact he's about to the same thing as them. He really should asked for alternative way of communicating with her. His SAN value was decreasing by the moment when he started to kneel down and hold his hand.

A familiar sensation struck him and his consciousness was sent to Eisha's place. He opened his eyes and found himself in the same white room.


There stood the transcendent beautiful goddess giggling while looking at him. Haruto secretly felt happy seeing her again too though. He just interacted with her a few times but he already considered her as his close relative.

"Thank you, I'm happy to see you again too Haruto-kun."

She smiled gently towards him. Haruto wryly smiled because he just couldn't hide anything from her.

"Well I owe you a lot of things after all."

"Fufufu look at you, in just more than a month you're already looked more manly and strong. Is this the effect from inheriting Son Goku's power I wonder? Excluding the fact you don't seem to be an airhead like him."

"Who knows? I'm just trying to enjoy my second life by looking around the world and improving myself. And Eisha, the way you spoke was as if you have met with Goku before?"

"Nn? Did I? Hehe~"

She just shrugged and dodged his question.

'Fine.' He thought. This goddess was so secrecy and never intended to explain things fully and he already accepted that.

"In any case I'm here to hand you the crystal I found."

He took out the crystal inside his pocket. Even though he was currently just his consciousness but the crystal strangely appeared in his pocket.

"Oh, that's not the real crystal. The real one you have in your body was already taken by me, here." She opened her hand and showed him the same crystal.

"...That makes more sense." He raised his eyebrow. In the same moment the crystal on his hand disappeared. It was an illusion after all based on his imagination. What a mysterious place, he thought.

"So can I have another.... companion for me?"

"It's okay if you're just being honest you know? And yes I'll summon your favorite 'waifus' hihihi. Are you happy?" She said teasing him.

"...I'm not."

"Eeh~? Then you don't need them I suppose? How troubling..."

"!...Alright alright! You win, so please summon me another one..."

Haruto panicked and raised a white flag from her threat. Who cares about pride and shame if you can have a waifu?

*Gohon* He coughed and said, "Umm this time can I ask for a healer? I was troubled by a lot injuries recently, for my companions. Potions was not very effective during combat and magician with healing magic was very rare and not so potent on their healing."

"Hmm~ I guess you're right, so a healer it is right? Leave it to me~"

Eisha hold her chin for awhile until she snapped her finger as if she was saying "Yup, she would do."

Like before she made a praying gesture and closed her beautiful eyes with long eyelashes.

Her body glowed brightly and a massive pillar of light shot out to the air before landing right in front of Haruto. This scene reminded him of the bifrost in a certain superhero movie back on earth.

The pillar of light shone and changing shape into a sphere of light before a silhouette formed inside the sphere.

The silhouette appeared to be a figure of a woman with long hair and slender body with a pair of wings on her back. The light soon dimmed out and fade away, revealing the newborn of another girl.

"S-She is..."

Haruto was shocked seeing the figure in front of him. If what he thought was true then she's surely one of the strongest healer he ever known of.
