
Chapter 30

'I hope you're not going to go all hysterical on me now.'

'No. I was just thinking.'

'So long as you're not planning I'll feel fairly safe.' He went very quiet and after a few seconds she closed her eyes, surprised when as she was almost dozing off he pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the engine.

'What happened?' Natalie opened sleepy eyes and looked at him, puzzled to find him sitting with his arms across the wheel, looking out along the road.

'Nothing at all. I'm recovering from a violent reaction before I reach civilisation. Right at this moment I don't know how I'd cope with oncoming vehicles. I imagined you were asleep.'

'There was no need to react so violently,' she assured him quietly. 'I would have been perfectly safe.'

'Oh? You had a foolproof plan?' His voice was back to harsh derision as he glanced across at her but he looked away quickly as his eyes seemed to be drawn to the still-wet blouse.

'No. I'd only just found out that...' In spite of her desire to be aloof and sure of herself, her voice suddenly trembled. 'I was scared.'

He looked back at her sharply as he heard the fear still lingering.

'So you're not as tough as you think you are?'

Natalie shook her head, trying to cope with her own reaction, rather horrified to find a stray tear trailing down her cheek.

'Oh, for God's sake, stop that!' He almost shouted at her and then when she looked at him in dismay he reached for her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. 'Stop crying, Natalie. You're wet enough as it is.'

He rubbed his cheek against her hair and she looked up at him rather woefully.

'I had a shock and then you came—shouting. You scared me.'

'Not as much as you scared me.' His arms tightened. 'That place is almost virgin jungle. The falls have not yet attained the status of a tourist attraction. Apart from the animals that go down to that very spot to drink, there are snakes—plenty of them.'

'You don't have to frighten me any more,' she assured him shakily, submitting to a great urge and burying her face against his shoulder.

'So what do I have to do instead?' His lips skimmed her cheek, making her lift her head back, her throat still glistening with the water, and he bent his fair head, his tongue sensuously licking her skin, collecting the

moisture from the slender arch of her throat until she gave a low murmur and melted towards him, lifting her face to meet the burning pressure of his lips as his mouth opened over hers.

'Do you still want to pretend there's nothing between us?' His voice was smouldering and when he lifted his head and looked into her dazed eyes, the green darkening with every passing heartbeat, Natalie shook her head slowly. She could hardly pretend. Every time he touched her she lit up inside. Though his mouth was no longer on hers she still felt the burning imprint; blood seemed to be rushing in her ears, making the whole world rock unsteadily.

Every nerve in her body was flaring, the longing to be kissed again almost unbearable. It was right there in her eyes and he made a low sound of satisfaction, a growl deep in his throat, and began to kiss her parted hps again, hungrily and drowsily.

'What do you propose to do about this?'

His question came against her skin as his mouth nuzzled her neck sensuously, his hand lifting her hair away from her satin skin.

'I—I... nothing...'

'Nothing?' He bit into her neck at the point where it met her smooth shoulder and it was not a particularly gentle bite. It was slow, erotic, possessive, with just enough force to make her cry out. Shivers ran down her spine, spreading out all over her skin and she gasped as his teeth closed gently on her flesh again.


'What, my beautiful? You think I'd hurt you?' He kissed the hollow of her neck, his tongue against the frantic pulse, his mouth closing over hers again as she gave a low moan and abandoned herself to sensation.

It was an explosion of feeling, a conflagration of brilliant excitement that sent thrills to every part of her. From the very centre of her being ripples rushed out to engulf her.
