
Chapter 16 Tears

Ji Min shook his head to clear his thoughts. He needed to quickly deal with those damn monsters. For Jin and for all of them.

He ran towards Tae Hyung and stood beside him. "Cover me." He told Tae Hyung. Although he didn't know what Ji Min would do he trusted him. standing in front of Ji Min he began to deflect all the attacks coming their way.

Ji Min closed his eyes and concentrated, ignoring the chaos around him. In his mind he saw the forest, that was filled with life earlier was now dull and dreary. He realized that the area where they stood was near the centre of a whirlwind of negative emotions and in the centre stood the two giants. Their bodies were wrapped in a more concentrated form of negative energy.

It was so powerful that he could feel it calling him. It whispered into his ear, thriving on his anger, hatred and despair. Angry that he and his brothers had to go through suffering again and again. Hatred against those scientists that experimented on them. Despair that Jin was dying and he could do nothing. The energy began to spread from his mind to other parts of his body. Slowly his body began to change, his skin started to turn maroon, his veins began to protrude.

No! He could not let it take over. Jin had said he was his brothers' only hope, he could not afford to fail.

This is my body, you have no control over me. He shouted in his mind. But the negative energy was stubborn, refusing to let go it held on tighter. But how could it beat Ji Min, he was someone who had been through all sorts of dangers, someone who could control the emotions of those around him if he wished. The negative energy had no chance, as soon as Ji Min implanted in it a different emotion the negative energy began to change form into something that was completely different. This new form was under Ji Min's complete control.

Under his guidance it split in two and flew to the two remaining giants. Unknown to the invisible danger flying straight at them the giants continued to attack the brothers. As soon as it hit the giants they froze and began trembling. Their eyes and body reduced size, its veins stoped protruding and its skin began to change to their original colour.

"Kill them now! Don't hold back!" Ji Min shouted. Reacting immediately, Tae Hyung and Nam Joon began attacking using their powers not holding back. When they were done all that was left of the giants was ashes.

Nam Joon felt his knees give way as his body collapsed to the ground. He had given all he had in that fight and now he felt weak and battered. He was not the only one, not too far from him Tae Hyung also collapsed.

"Jin! Jin! Damn it wake up!" Nam Joon felt despair claw its way to his heart as he heard Ji Min's miserable voice.

"Please. Please Jin wake up." Ji Min's shouting had reduced to sobs.

Jungkook placed his hands on his shoulder. "Ji Min, stop. Jin wouldn't want to see us like this. He-" Jungkook chocked on a sob. Unable tto continue he fell to his knees beside Ji Min. Pulling his brother into a hug he cried. All of them were crying.

Thunder clapped, then rain fell. Thick clouds covered the sky as if the world was also mourning his death.
