
Chapter 8 Ji Min's Ability

"There is also something else, I think we all might have individual abilities aside from agility and strength. Since I woke up I've found that I can think and analyse things at a scarily fast rate. It's as if I've suddenly become a genius with photographic memory.

And I'm not the only one with special abilities, Ji Min has them too."

"Huh?" Ji Min looked at Jin in shock. Jin thought he had abilities? That was crazy. He acknowledged that Jin did seem different since they woke up. Different from before, he seemed more calm, he had this scholarly air about him and gave those around him a secure feeling, as if he would know what to do in any situation and could solve any problem. But as for himself he could not believe, that was imposs( he froze. He suddenly remembered how he felt when he woke up, it was as if the world had completely changed, or rather he changed. He could feel the forest and the life within it, it was as if he knew its emotions, as if he could feel it. Even now he could still feel it, as well asthe feelings of his brothers. Strangely he felt that they adored him, to the point that it made him slightly uncomfortable. Was this what Jin meant, but how could Jin know. He never mentioned it and it was clear he was the only able to feel other's emotions.

"You may not have noticed it Ji Min but I'm sure that the rest of the guys have. You somehow influence those around you into being absolutely devoted to you."

Everyone was shocked except for Jungkook who had previously known this. "So that's why I kept having this feeling that my life would only have meaning if I served him!" exclaimed Tae Hyung. Nam Joon, Yoon Gi, Jungkook and Ho Seok nodded their heads in agreement. "I also felt that." "Same here." "It was so weird." "Even though I know this feeling is fake I still feel influenced by it." They all chorused their agreements.

"Hey, how come you don't seem affected Jin?" Nam Joon asked. The rest hadn't noticed it until Nam Joon mentioned it, they now began to look curiously at Jin. "I think it's part of my powers, at first I was affected but then after I concentrated those feelings no longer affected me." "Damn, why can't I have your powers." Complained Tae Hyung, it's so weird being devoted to Ji Min but I can't do anything to stop myself."

Ji Min who had been quiet for a while for a while finally spoke up. "I think I can also feel the emotions of my surroundings. It's not just limited to humans, I can fell animals and trees too. I noticed this when I woke up but I wasn't sure if it was real or ust in my head."

Jin was enlightened. "So your powers are related to emotions. You can feel and influence emotions of other living things. Hey Ji Min, try see if you can reduce their feelings of adoration for you."

Nodding his head he agreed. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and focused on feeling his surroundings through his mind. Hearing their breathing, feeling the change in the wind and seeing them in his mind's eye. He saw colours, these colours represented the emotions around him. When he concentrated on the five people near him he noticed there was something wrong with them. There was something in them that did look to originate from them. That's when he realized that those things were belonged to him, they were what caused his brothers to feel devoted to him. He had somehow unconsciously put those things into his friends, like a defence mechanism to stop others from harming him. From there things were easier, he just had to call back those things.

As he was about to open his eyes he felt an abnormality from the forest. He did not know what it was, it was neither a human, animal or tree. It was dark, full of rage and madness giving him an ominous. It was not too far away from them, maybe a hundred metres give or take........ and it was heading straight towards them.
