
Feed My Husband a Birthday Meal

"So, he was sitting beside you?" he asked. 

"Is that entertaining news?" Qian Meng questioned. 

The reporter nodded. "It's not part of the main interview, mind you. It's service to your CP fans," he said with delight.

Qian Meng understood that. "I'll keep that in mind. People want pictures… it seems." She chuckled.

"But don't you think long trips away from each other will cause problems? My wife already fusses that I am not home enough," he said. 

Qian Meng contemplated that. It was a reasonable problem couples had. "I don't know yet. I just married. How about I get back to you after a few decades of marriage?"

And with that, the conversation ended.

- - - - -

Qian Meng had never cooked a full meal before, but she wasn't worried. How hard could it be? Growing up, she had seen her grandma and the nannies cook. It didn't look too difficult.
