

The person of interest - at that point - was staring at the television with wide eyes.

What did Hana just do?

Well, sure … he did … kinda … propose already but her announcement was still rather unexpected. She had not given him any warning or indication that she was going to tell the whole world (well, country) about them.

He thought, after the confession, he would first have to meet with Hana's parents to inform them and get their blessings. After that, they would start planning a wedding or something.

However, as he listened to the People's cheers and shouts, he felt reassured about spending the rest of his life with her. Initially, he had been really worried that he would not be suitable but seeing how the People welcomed him, he was at peace. 

Perhaps this was why she made such an announcement. His mind went back to that fateful day when he had confessed to her.

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