
Eliminating the Bases

Zero and Kyle made their move.

The first place Kyle went was to the huge *ss telephone pole and grinned. He was old enough in his past life to know what this was, and what it was used for: landline phones. It was still the very old type that had the telephone pole outside the ground and facing upwards, with wires connecting from one pole to another.

Kids these days would never have seen this, and it really just showed how old Kyle was in his past life. Although landlines were getting to be obsolete now, it wasn't completely gone yet. However, above-ground telephone wires like this were.

He sighed.

He climbed up the pole easily and taking out his hunting knife, he neatly cut off the main wire that connected the phone lines from inside the building to the pole. This way, he had essentially severed their phone lines and they would not be able to use their phones at all.
