
Born to be a King

Zero waited patiently at the side of the balcony door, flattening himself against the wall. Luckily, he had been wearing black so he blended seamlessly in the darkness. As for his silver hair, it's not like it was shining, so it wasn't obvious either.

There were some sounds at the sliding door, a sign of them picking the lock. The door slowly slid open and two men walked in silently.

Zero hooked his hand around the neck of the guy closest to him, swinging him suddenly to the side as he sliced and stabbed the guy in the neck. The first slice cut him right at the artery while the second stab immoblised him and stopped the blood from gushing out.

Before the first guy could react, Zero had already taken the knife out of the neck of the second guy, swept his legs and then buried the knife into the chest of the first guy. The knife easily cut through the rib cage while the second guy fell backwards onto the balcony. 
