
Meeting the Parent (II)

The three days passed by in a blur.

Things were basically the same for them during these three days. Kai recovered within a day from his nightmare and they were back to 'normal', so to speak. He spent the nights at Lianne's apartment and was busy at the company plus trying to find the owner of the adjoining apartment to buy it.

So far, not been successful. 

Still, Kai was patient. 

What was important now, was this meeting with the Father-in-Law.

Kai looked at himself in front of the mirror that Lianne had installed in the inner closet for him. He was wearing a suit, almost similar to what he had worn when he went to meet Kyle. Just a slight difference in design and it was maroon. 

Not many people could carry off wearing a colourful suit, but Kai could. Instead of looking weird and out of place, he actually looked like the unnatural colour was just normal. The deep, dark red colour accentuated his fair skin and delicate features even more.
