
Not a Competition

Lianne hugged him more, hearing his rapid heartbeat.

"If it was up to me, I'd get married right now," Lianne said, "But I don't want to do that until my father knows. I think he's had enough of being side-swiped."

Her brother Joseph got married to Kayla secretly, causing quite a huge explosion when it was finally revealed. Kyle had taken it pretty badly and if it hadn't been for Sayuri calming him down, the situation may have been irreversible. 

That had been her idea, really, because it looked like their fears and hesitation would always be in the way of their union. Still, ultimately, the choice had been in their hands. She merely showed the way.

She had even anticipated her mother's reaction, so had told Sayuri about the secret marriage and requested Sayuri to keep an eye on her mother. She sighed, burying her face onto Kai's chest and breathing in his unique scent. 
