

Lily breathed in the unique smell of Zero that seemed to be like cinnamon and chocolate. Weird. How could he smell so delicious?

Maybe she had some baking stuff up her nose?

She snuggled deeper, feeling his firm figure and warmth, thinking that she could hug this person forever.



Lily gasped, jumping back as she realised that she had simply done what she normally did with her family when she was happy. She glomped them.

But Zero wasn't family!

And it was in public!

Why didn't he push her away!

"Oh gosh! Zero! I'm so sorry," Lily said, blushing fiercely, "I was just so happy."

Zero just gave a slight smile, shrugging, and took her hand before walking again, "It's okay."

He found his arms feeling rather empty suddenly, so he did that without thinking. Lily stared at their joined hands, grinned and walked beside him happily.

Looks like what Lianne told her was right.

Other than Edward, Lianne had been the other person that had called her.

In fact, it was right after Edward did, as if Lianne knew she was having second thoughts about coming over to check up on Zero.

Lily didn't even question why Lianne would know her number, nor how Lianne knew Edward had called; she was just glad Lianne called to reassure her. She remembered the conversation as if it was yesterday.


It was yesterday.

But that's beside the point.

✿ Flashback ✿

"Lily, please help me look after Zero," begged Lianne, "He's been rather moody and I can't go and cheer him up."

"Me? Why me?" Lily asked, though she was patting her chest rapidly in nervousness.

"Well, other than me," Lianne explained, "You're the only other person that he listens to."

"What? Me? NO WAY," Lily shouted the last words, jumping up.

"Yes, way," Lianne said with a laugh, "I know him, Lily. Just from that one fake date, I could see it."

"But but but," Lily stammered.

"No buts," Lianne said, "Unless you're talking about Zero's butt. He does have a very fine …"

"LIANNE!" Lily shouted, her face being red as a tomato now, "How could you say such a thing?"

"What?" Lianne asked innocently, "I'm an artist. I've drawn Zero many times. Naturally, I would know whether he has a fine butt or not."

"Gosh. No, please," Lily pleaded, trying hard not to imagine Zero's butt now.

"I have lots of his portraits," Lianne said, "I'll let you choose one if you go and see him tomorrow. Just check up on him."

"I can't," Lily said, even though she had just told Edward she would, "He will be busy at work. I have no excuse to go."

"I believe you do have a reason to go, right?" Lianne said mysteriously, "And trust me. Just be yourself. Don't hold back. You'll see. Zero will be fine, since it's you."


"Really," Lianne assured her, "The most important thing here, is that you be you. Don't try to hide what you want to say or do. Zero would appreciate that."

✿ End of Flashback ✿

Lily bit her lower lip hard when she thought back on Lianne's words, thinking that it would be great if that was so. Her past boyfriends got fed-up with what they called her her 'baby' behaviour. It wasn't that she acted like a baby, but oft times, she reacted on impulse.

Like right now, hugging Zero out of the blue.

But, unlike what she expected, he didn't mind despite him being the low-key and non-expressive type. He didn't reject her nor did he look like he was repulsed by it. It made her feel all warm and bubbly inside. Always trying to 'act mature' and 'not so impulsive' can be quite taxing, really.

She leaned on Zero, subconsciously rubbing herself on his arm. She was just so happy and he made her feel so safe.

Zero, in the meantime, had just stared at the head of hair as his entire arm was 'captured'. Since Lily seemed pretty happy and comfortable, who was he to reject?

She was like a soft, cute cat hanging on his arm like that.

When Zero looked up from his gaze on Lily, he saw the frozen statue of Edward, looking like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

Zero's lips twitched.

Edward shuddered upon seeing that. When he had run around the corner of the building to get back to the office, he had been greeted with that unusual sight of Zero and Lily. He didn't know what to do.

If he turned back and Zero saw him, his fate could be worse i.e. being hit by the golden tip needle was no joke, more so in public. If he went forward and Zero saw him looking at them, he may find his life hanging by a thread.

Or rather, he may be glared at and he would be on tenterhooks while waiting for the axe to fall.

So, should he go away, or go ahead … or stay?

While he was thinking frantically (and cursing himself for rushing back before everyone else), he saw Zero smile widely.

That's it.

He's dead.

Then he saw Zero's lips move and words came out.

He shook his head.




He must have heard wrong.

Seeing the blank look on Edward's face, Zero repeated, "I'm giving you two weeks holiday, Edward. Go on that cruise you've always wanted."

"Cruise?" Edward repeated. Yes, he had been gushing about this cruise the other day but it was for two weeks. There was no way they could go off for two weeks, bearing in mind all the work they had.

Five days, tops.

Two weeks? No way.

Now Zero said he could go?

"Yes," Zero confirmed, noticing at the corner of his eye how Lily was looking at him in great admiration.

"Two weeks?" Edward repeated, still not believing his luck.

"Yes," Zero verified.


"Sure," Zero agreed.

Edward whooped in joy, fist-pumping the air and shouting while running around in circles, excitedly. Something he did whenever he starts thinking deeply, like when he's coming up with a new gadget.

Right now, in his mind, he was thinking of all the things that needed to be done in preparation for the cruise. He's got so many things to do! To pack! To plan!

"Edward," Zero called out and Edward stopped his pacing.

"Just go back," Zero advised him.

Edward did not need to be told twice. He ran off before Zero changed his mind and decided to punish him for something else instead. No wonder the ominous feeling lifted earlier but he thought it was just his imagination, grown out of his intense desire for amnesty.

Never did he imagine it was really because Zero - for some unknown reason - had changed his mind.

He was not foolish enough to ask him why.

Lily leaned close and whispered to Zero as Edward's figure disappeared, "That was a nice thing you did. Thank you."

Zero's eyes glazed over as he felt two soft orbs squishing itself on his arm when she leaned to whisper to him. He gulped and looked away, the tip of his ears being bright red.

Lucka and the others appeared then, and seeing Zero's flustered expression, wisely did not mention it. However, Lucka did wonder where Edward was, considering he had been in front of them.

"Where's Edward? Did you see him?" Lucka asked the frozen Zero.

Zero slowly turned to face him, and with the normal stoic expression of his (despite the flushed ears), said, "I gave him a break."

Lucka and others were stunned at the news.

"Then what about the pile of work he has pending?!" Lucka nearly screeched out.

Zero just smiled as he tilted his head, saying, "You're doing them, of course."

Lucka just stood there, his mouth wide open. He didn't dare protest or say anything more because if he did, Zero would just pile more work on him.

Nodding in satisfaction, Zero then patted Lily's hand and said, "I've got to get back to work now. You should go back first."

Lily then realised that they were right at the entrance of the building. The bus stop was close by, so there was no point in her going any further.

"Okay," Lily said, a bit reluctantly, "See you tomorrow then, Zero."

"Okay," Zero replied.

Lily gave him a kiss on the cheek and left, smiling happily.

Zero, on the other hand, was frozen again.

Yup, it really looks like Lily is breaking Zero. How many times has he froze?

ha ha ha ha ha ...

Thank you for the votes and comments, everyone!

Numbers (Covid-19) rose again over here. So depressing. Hopefully, no lockdown again but I wouldn't mind working from home!

Stay safe everyone. Wear your mask, practice social distancing and sanitize hands often!

PsyberRosecreators' thoughts