

Lily frowned upon seeing her brother's face.

"What's going on with you?" she asked as she took the shirt. She noted that it was still warm from Zero's body heat and resisted the urge to hug it and sniff at it.

Gah, she was getting to be rather perverted, and it was only one date!

She looked at Zero, who was wearing her brother's T-shirt while carrying an undershirt. Justin's T-shirt was a bit small on Zero, and she could now understand why Justin had that expression.

Justin was a Bruce Lee fanatic, and thus, was always trying to not only get the skills but also the physique that Bruce Lee had. The late Bruce Lee was small and slim but his entire body was densely packed with muscles.

From what she could see (with a gulp), the way the shirt clung onto Zero's chest showed that he had quite a drool-worthy physique. Unfortunately, the T-shirt was not skin-tight but was enough to merely give hints of it.

Little did Lily know that *that* was not why Justin had been so starstruck.

Well, part of the reason was.

The thing was, Zero had a method when wearing his shirt, to ensure that it was tucked in properly.

He didn't use the military tuck, which was essentially to fold the excess shirt on the side, inwards, before tucking in the shirt. He didn't want to use the shirt stays either as that just felt weird.

Although there were a few varieties now and it was not just an elastic strap that was clipped at the hem of the shirt to the hem of the socks; for there were also 'shirt garters' now where the other part was attached to a garter around the thigh.

He used the 'normal' method of tucking in the undershirt to his underwear, and then the shirt over the underwear. This would ensure that the shirt and undershirt did not 'fight for the same space' and create those creases and make the shirt look untucked.

The thing was, Zero would also need to take off his undershirt as wearing it under a T-shirt was just hot … and felt weird. He couldn't just wear the undershirt either as it was rather 'see-through' and quite frankly, one could see his nips.

As stoic as Zero was, that was a bit much for him.

Thus, Zero had to actually unbutton and unzip his pants to enable him easier access to pull out his undershirt from his underwear. Although he had his back to Justin, Justin still managed to catch a glimpse of what should not have been seen.

[No, you perverted readers. It was not Zero Jr. in all its naked glory]

From his angle, the reflection in the mirror showed a rather impressive bulge as Zero was busy pulling out his undershirt, his attention elsewhere that he didn't realise the position he was in and the mirror at his side.

Although Zero was a trained bodyguard-slash-assassin and capable assistant, he was not on guard 24/7. And in Lily's home that was warm and inviting, Zero had not taken notice of his surroundings for any danger.

He did do one normal sweep of escape routes but other than that, nothing. It was also due to the fact that this was someone's bedroom and he felt if he had taken too much notice of the room, it would be invading privacy.

Thus, he was completely unaware of the mirror and what he was actually showing when he was undressing.

Well, it wasn't like he was a shy guy anyway - undressing in front of his brothers was nothing. When he took off his shirt, Justin caught a glimpse of the toned chest. When Zero started unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, Justin had been shocked at first - why would he be taking off his pants?!

The lipstick stain was on his shirt, wasn't it? Not his underwear?!*

Then, Zero started pulling out his undershirt carefully and Justin realised what he was doing. At first, Justin thought that rather … *cough* … bulge was due to the undershirt but even after it had been taken off, the slight tent wasn't any smaller.

Zero, completely oblivious to the strip-tease he was giving Justin, wore the T-shirt that he had been given. It fit a bit snugly on his chest but other than that, it was fine. Better than his thin undershirt, at least.

Justin, in the meantime, after being hit double-time with those muscular abs and toned body, the muscles rippling as Zero took the shirt off - and the packaging - thought that it was a good thing he wasn't gay.

Fighting his sister for the guy would not have been good.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

"Well, I'd better be going now," Zero said politely.

"No, no," Lilith said, "Stay. Have a drink first."

"No, it's okay," Zero answered, "It's getting late."

"It's fiiiineee," Lilith insisted, pushing Lily forward, "Go. He's your guest. Don't mind us."

Lilith gave an exaggerated yawn, "Oh wow. I'm suddenly so tired. Please, go head and do your stuff. Make yourself at home, Zero."

Lilith gave Justin the side look and Justin rolled his eyes, faking a yawn as well and said dramatically, "Oh gosh. Same here. Nitez."

Lily stood there, facepalmed herself. Feeling embarrassed beyond belief (yet again) and waited until everyone went into their rooms before saying to Zero, "I'm so sorry about that."

Zero gave a smile, saying, "It's okay."

"Do you … want anything to drink?" Lily asked hesitatingly. Then she remembered what Lianne had said about Zero and desserts, "I have some cookies."

Zero, who was about to decline, stopped. His eyes lit up upon hearing that then asked, "What kind?"

Lily smiled warmly, seeing how excited he suddenly appeared, "Chocolate chip. And we have milk."

"We-ell," Zero began, "I wouldn't say no."

Lily couldn't help but grin, and made a mental note to always have chocolate chip cookies in the house.

*Credits to Azvyll for this added line. It made me laugh SO much that I just had to add it in. Anusha_kummu's innocent question was actually partially right. hew hew hew

Thank you for the votes and comments.

Thank you for the review, nurul0424 (#9) and krAdchii (#10). My apologies for the late acknowledgment! Kept forgetting to add it in the Author's Note. *dropsweats*

With 10 reviews, the ratings finally show. *YAY* Thank you once again.

Stay safe everyone! <3

PsyberRosecreators' thoughts