

Zero dashed into the ladies, not caring that it was the ladies … and was immediately assaulted.

Well, to be more accurate, Lily had launched herself onto Zero.

For one brief second, Zero was going to instinctively knock away the figure that rushed at him until his brain kicked in and recognised it to be Lily.

He was so shocked that he stood there, slightly frozen, as she clung onto him tightly. Her body was shivering and she was grasping at him as if he was her saviour. His arms were dangling awkwardly and uselessly at the side, until he started patting her on the back.

He didn't know what else to do.

What he did know, was that Lily was clinging on to him like a koala, and was shivering. Obviously, she was scared.

What was going through his mind however, was the thought that she was really, really soft (and he wasn't referring to her breasts that were pressed upon him, okay).

Zero was used to fighting and wrestling with the guys, so this was effectively, his first time holding a woman.

No, that was not right.

He had hugged Lianne before.

Yet, it was nothing like this.

It didn't feel like this.

It was then that he finally realised that it was because he viewed Lianne differently, and Lily, differently.

The question was, what was it that he was seeing Lily as?

Would all women - other than Lianne - feel like this if he held them?

He shook his head, getting rid of nonsensical thoughts.

The thing that was important right now was, what was wrong?

"Lily?" he called out gently.

At the sound of his voice, Lily froze. Her hands that were around his waist tightened as she finally realised what she was doing.

She gasped and brought her head up, a horrified expression on her face, "I'm so sorry, Zero. I … I …"

She let go of him reluctantly, her heart beating frantically. This time, not from fear, but from nervousness. He had felt so nice and warm, and most of all, she had felt all his muscles that made her feel safe.

That was what made her cling on to him even more.

It was all instinct, she told herself.

Anyone would do what she did.

Her face still flushed red, however.

"What happened?" Zero asked, his voice still gentle.

He could see how embarrassed she was, as she couldn't look up at him and was gripping the hem of her shirt dress as she looked down. Then, she turned to look away from him.

Lily found out that was a big mistake.

She screamed again and grabbed onto Zero again and this time, hiding her face on his very firm chest.

"Sp-sp-sp-" Lily was stammering.

Zero looked towards the direction Lily had turned her head and lo behold. There, on the wall, was a spider.


Lily nodded.

Zero's mouth twitched.

He turned his body around so that now, Lily's back was at the entrance. He stroked her back and said, "I'll get rid of the spider. You stay here, okay?"

Lily gulped.

By now, there were a few people at the entrance of the ladies and Lily was thoroughly embarrassed.

"Excuse me," Zero said to the spectators that turned up, "I'll just take a minute."

Lily was holding onto her hands up to her chest as she saw Zero walk over to where the spider was. He cupped his hand and did something, then putting his hands behind his back, he walked out.

"It's gone," he said, "I've also checked the perimeters and there isn't any other spider around."

Lily's face was really red by now and she bit her lower lips, saying, "Thank you."

"Go on," Zero said as he exited the ladies.

Lily went in, trusting Zero, but was still nervous nonetheless. Once she walked in, Zero headed to the exit of the restaurant.

Lianne looked at him coming and didn't say a word as he walked out. Going to a bush, he opened his palm and let the spider that he had been holding walk onto the bush.

It wasn't a poisonous one, and he had been careful to create enough space in his fist so that the spider was not squashed. Luckily, it was a small one so he only needed one hand to hold it. If he had to use both hands, Lily might have been too scared to move, knowing what he was holding.

Well, she probably knew anyway but she couldn't 'see' it, so most likely could avoid it.

Still, it was amusing to find out that Lily had a fear of spiders. Was it just spiders, or any bug in general? It was a good thing he wasn't scared of them.

When Zero entered again, he found that Kai had just arrived.

Zero could see Lianne's eyes glued on him and though it may look like she was indifferent, Zero knew better.

His eyes narrowed.

Lianne turned to look at Zero and Zero saw her admonishing gaze. And a warning.

He tilted his head and Lianne stared at him.

He gritted his teeth.


Lianne was telling him to behave.

He retracted his gaze and his face became indifferent and stoic, as usual.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

Lianne, seeing Zero reluctantly back down, was satisfied.

If this was supposed to be a date that she is to get to know Kai, having Zero pressing his buttons wouldn't do. Sure, it would later on but the first date should be one without stress, right?

And right now, seeing Kai, Lianne was inwardly cursing as well.

Why did he have to look so good?

He was wearing black slim jeans that hugged his long legs well, and a denim ¾ long sleeve shirt that reached just below his elbow. It wasn't tucked in, but it wasn't meant to be and it was just a few inches below the belt.

His slim, muscular physique was showcased very well in the dressing he was in, and coupled with that beautiful face, it was devastating.

"You're drooling," Zero whispered.

Lianne turned to glare at Zero, "You have lipstick stains on your shirt."

Zero looked down and sure enough, there was.

Lianne smirked (which was amazingly like the way Zero smirked), "Looks like someone had a good time earlier. Was she soft and nice to hold?"

Now it was Zero's turn to glare at Lianne.

She raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to say something but he merely pressed his lips tightly together.

Because … darn it, Lily *had* been soft and nice to hold!

Not that he was going to admit that to Lianne.


No way.

Fangirl shriek? Nah ... *giggles*

Thank you for the votes and comments.

Stay safe everyone! <3

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PsyberRosecreators' thoughts